Accept October 2013 meeting minutes (note the revision under item number 6 that Kathy did after the post:
CHANGES ARE AS FOLLOWS: 6. Policies: We reviewed the Financial Policies posted on the board website: changes which are “grant driven” discussed and agreed to pass. We agreed to redraft Consultants and Consultant Fees section in the Financial Policies and to accept that at the next meeting.
Thank you calls to donors: We will divide up names and take a few minutes to call people and thank them.
Are there any amendments to the previously approved 2013 budget that we need to address? Brad? (Link to budgets)
Review tentative 2014 Budget
greater giving $695
property taxes $3165
The 2013 property taxes paid for 132 10th were $1,476.60
Conflict of Interest amendments in Financial Policies. See the below edits in the policies and we can decide if this is agreeable.
Consultants and Consulting Fees
Consulting or professional services may be required to provide expertise not otherwise available. Services that are expected to cost ($5000??- We have a policy in place that says we will do this for certain at $5000 or more). or more will be obtained through competitive bidding. A request for proposal (RFP) describing the scope of work needed will be submitted to appropriate service providers and/or by advertising with the goal of obtaining at least 3 bids. The bids will be evaluated based on cost, ability to perform, competence, skill and experience, and other appropriate factors. No contract shall be subdivided to avoid these requirements
FYA Credit Card The Executive Director shall obtain a credit card for FYA use only. Preferably the credit card should be in the name of Fairbanks Youth Advocates. Only one physical credit card is permitted. The authorized signers on the card should be the Executive Director & the Shelter Supervisor. If an appropriate rewards (airfare, travel) credit card is obtained, the rewards may only be used for FYA business. The credit card will be used only for FYA purchases. Receipts for credit card purchases will be turned into _______ as soon as practicable. A credit card purchase form should be attached to the receipt to documenting what was purchased and the purpose of the purchase as well as the fund/class to be charged. A copy of the purchase should be forwarded to the treasurer/bookkeeper for recording in QuickBooks. On receipt of the credit card statement, a copy should be forwarded to the treasurer/bookkeeper and reconciled to the receipts. The bill should be paid only upon satisfactory completion of the reconciliation. All credit card bills will be paid in full and in a timely manner to prevent interest and fees from being assessed.
To participate in Click Pick Give, It will require us to be audited at an approximate fee of $5000 a year?? plus a $250 application fee. (must apply between 2/1 and 3/31 2014) Should we do it?
$250 application fee
has completed and provided to the department a financial audit with an unqualified opinion conducted by an independent certified public accountant for the fiscal year to which the Internal Revenue Service Form 990 required under (4) of this subsection applies; this paragraph applies only to an organization with a total annual budget that exceeds $250,000 during the fiscal year to which the Internal Revenue Service Form 990 required under (4) of this subsection applies;
The Door Report: Dave Miller
Added items below that we are raising funds for: ~$36,000
CO ‐1 8‐11‐13 Casework added to scope $18,250
CO‐2 9‐13‐13 Flooring added to scope (Mac Cheynes $14,600)
RFP‐01 10‐21‐13 Hand Sink (negotiated at no extra costs)
RFP‐02 10‐31‐13 Additional Camera System $1,898.96
RFP‐03 10‐31‐13 Floor Joist Insulation $1932
Public Information Report: Patrick and Marylee
Non profit web hosting with Bluehost. FYA holds primary account, CC to be merged soon. $99 transfer fee to be paid by CC to move the site, no monthly fees following.
Volunteer and Events Committee
Director’s Report:
Traveling Reports: (What would the board like for reports?)
Commercial Sex Trafficking
Alaska Coalition on Housing and Homelessness
AHFC Monitoring Review Findings
Paint – Pipeline Training Center
Mattresses – 12 donated – need to move them to 132 Tenth for storage?
132 Tenth, 1 hour cleaning party ???
Re-focus on the ages at the shelter
Training: Trauma Informed Care & Motivational Interviewing (RESPECT) grant/ AKMHTF
closed for 4 days – update
PSA – Radio & TV
29 letters were sent last week to churches asking support for house parent,
Fairbanks Co-op Market:My name is Amber and I am e-mailing from the Co-op Market Grocery & Deli here in town. We are starting a new donation program called Lend-A-Hand and have selected the Fairbanks Youth Advocates as our December benefit.Customers can donate when they check out at the register and at the end of the month the benefitting business will get a donation from our store of the total amount. Customers also get a slip they can write their name on and put on the wall near our front door. For October we are using paper pumpkins and November will be paper turkey feathers.
Niki – down to Covenant House on 19th and 20th of November
FMH is reviewing Employee Handbook free of charge
Unfinished business
Donor Wall in The Door: What will this look like. Any ideas?
Clearwater Counseling mission statement/goals – postponed for a later date.
Meeting with Mike / Foraker?
Can we do this before Dec 16th?
Open House, Monday December 16th, 5-8 , or another day?
organizer? (food?)
invitations, (Interior Delegation, Senators and Rep, FNSB council, city council, partner service agencies, supporters, etc) (Cold Climate + JRE + Design AK +)
“Angel Tree” or gift tree? people can take requests and return at later date???
What to do with the vehicle at Patrick’s. It’s use, insurance, etc.
Any updates on possible board members by anyone?
Greater Giving and merchant account options. Our annual fee for Greater Giving is high, at $600+. Is there a less expensive option out there to receive credit card donations?
ED evaluation (ml brought up that it was something folks needed to be thinking about – no response)
We have been providing lunches for The Door work crew on Fridays. Consider participating in that if you have time. Coordinate with Dave M. Patrick is doing Friday Nov. 15. (Friday Dec. 13th – Last Friday before being turned over to FYA – All board gathering to say thank you”
We received the grant for a conference for two staff and 1 board member to go, with per diem, registration + hotel covered by grant. Airfare costs are covered by us.
2014 National Conference on Ending Family and Youth Homelessness
FEBRUARY 18 – 19, 2014 This would require flying on Feb 17th and returning on Feb 20th.
I tried to include a few details for YOUR info only, if you have questions let me know. All of these folks have or will have received a formal letter – this is just a personal thank you from you – the board member. The amount is just for your information – you do not have to mention it at all to them, but just let them know how grateful we are for their support and gift, etc.
1. Dennis and Mary Wise ($13,000) (Patrick)
Dennis – cell: 360-201-0015 stated prefers phone calls
2. Thompson, Elaine, North Pole ($1700) 808-389-7918 (Monthly donor) (Kathy)
6. University Community Pres. Ch. 3510 College Rd fbks 99709 (416 offering in July) 479-6728 temporary pastors: Trent & Linda Baggett (Meryem)
7. Fairbanks Lutheran Church 1012 Cowles St Fairbanks Ak 99701 (over 1K over the year) 452-3425 Pastor Paul Bodin (ask Kathy Birch for pronunciation) (Barb)
8. Brayton, James and Elaine, Juneau, AK OHN ($500) 907-789-1895 (Barb T’s parents) (Kathy)
10. Naze, Jane, Fairbanks, ($200) recent/ new donor 9074790170 (Meryem)
11. Montesano, Peter Anchorage AK 99508 $200 907-461-0209 or it might be 441-0209
12. Kimmell, George and Deborah, 929 Gold Mine Trail Fairbanks AK 99712 $200 907-457-1864 (Dave M)
#6 and #10 done
#2 & #8 done
Made calls to 1, 9
I tried to include a few details for YOUR info only, if you have questions let me know. All of these folks have or will have received a formal letter – this is just a personal thank you from you – the board member. The amount is just for your information – you do not have to mention it at all to them, but just let them know how grateful we are for their support and gift, etc.
1. Dennis and Mary Wise ($13,000) (Patrick)
Dennis – cell: 360-201-0015 stated prefers phone calls
2. Thompson, Elaine, North Pole ($1700) 808-389-7918 (Monthly donor) (Kathy)
3. Simon, Mark, Fairbanks ($1,000) 907 460 6667 fatbet (Brad)
4. Reichardt Paul & Terry, Fairbanks ($2000) 455-6703 (Dave M)
5. Holmgren, Daniel, ThotPro Inc Fairbanks, ($500) 907-479-9178 fatbet (Sarah F)
6. University Community Pres. Ch. 3510 College Rd fbks 99709 (416 offering in July) 479-6728 temporary pastors: Trent & Linda Baggett (Meryem)
7. Fairbanks Lutheran Church 1012 Cowles St Fairbanks Ak 99701 (over 1K over the year) 452-3425 Pastor Paul Bodin (ask Kathy Birch for pronunciation) (Barb)
8. Brayton, James and Elaine, Juneau, AK OHN ($500) 907-789-1895 (Barb T’s parents) (Kathy)
9. Bramer, Danny & Jeannie, ($2400 monthly donors+ OHN) 859-492-7009 (Patrick)
10. Naze, Jane, Fairbanks, ($200) recent/ new donor 9074790170 (Meryem)
11. Montesano, Peter Anchorage AK 99508 $200 907-461-0209 or it might be 441-0209
12. Kimmell, George and Deborah, 929 Gold Mine Trail Fairbanks AK 99712 $200 907-457-1864 (Dave M)
13. Johnson, Amy 3000 Moose Mtn Fairbanks Ak 99709 300 ytd 907-978-3246 fat better
(Sarah F)