OCTOBER 29, 2012
Roll Call:
Present: Patrick Endres, Danny Bramer, Kathryn Birch, Brad
Johnston, Sarah Finnell, Barbara Tyndall, Meryrem Kugzruk
Absent: Marylee Bates, Dave Miller, Rilene Ann
Prayer: Barb Tyndall opened the meeting in prayer.
Minutes: Danny moved to approve the September minutes; Patrick seconded; approved unanimously.
Unfinished Business: Danny reported on the 25% match needed by FYA for our grant. He and Dave are preparing to ask local merchants and companies for building materials. Marylee, Rhonda Boyles, and Danny are creating a letter for these donations and a second letter to send to Alaska Funding Source. Brad had someone contact him who writes grants professionally and may want to research grants for FYA; she may also write them for us (Loretta Smith).
Treasurer’s Report: Brad gave us a printed report. See attached.
Gas reimbursement for Marylee: A monthly stipend is taxable; a monthly expense is not. We can average a monthly rate after keeping a mileage log for a period of time; which she has done. Brad said 55.5 cents a mile is the standard. Patrick moved; Danny seconded to reimburse Marylee Bates mileage incurred for FYA at the standard business rate. Approved unanimously.
Merchant account issues were discussed. Brad explained that with this service we would get ability to use credit card donations. Danny is mostly interested in the recurring donations. Cost for the service is $300. Patrick asked if we need two accounts. Brad said cards are linked to bank accounts. If the machine goes through Clearwater Counseling, that adds to the accounting burden; we would need to pull those funds from Dave’s machine. Greater Good would work better for our needs. Patrick said it sounds like we need two accounts. Brad is going to research these plans to see which is the best and most cost effective. Brad moved to set up a credit card platform for donations. Patrick seconded—approved unanimously.
Dave’s Salary: Brad reported on pay rates from State of Alaska, Department of Labor. Dave’s Salary and housing allowance was set December 2008 and has not been adjusted since. It’s approximately $43 per hour. Dave has requested a 10% increase ($9000). He also requested a housing allowance increase. Danny moved to raise Dave’s salary as requested effective January 1, 2013. New compensation amount is $98,100. Seconded by Patrick; approved unanimously.
NHS art fundraiser: Meryem informed us that the National Honor Society from Lathrop and West Valley High School want to unite to do an art auction as a fundraiser for FYA. The tentative goal is to have this in the spring. Board members offered their help as needed.
Enlarge/establish “executive board”: The executive board is currently made up of Patrick and Marylee. Brad said that officers of many organizations are considered the executive board. Patrick requested that Danny come on board to help plan agendas, etc. Danny agree to do so when he is available.
Executive Director Limitations: This document came from the Rescue Mission. The board agreed that the financial data is not pertinent to FYA at this time. Brad said it would make sense if we had an endowment, but we don’t. The FYA board deleted the financial piece and adopted the rest of the document. Kathryn made the motion; Sarah seconded; approved unanimously.
Fundraiser direction: Danny said he needs someone who is going to be here in December for a fundraiser. Another organization was approached by an artist to donate art to fund an event for them. They want to partner with FYA and perhaps share the proceeds for the event with us. It is in the planning stages. Danny wanted to be sure the board is ok with this. An art auction is planned for December 7 at Friends Church. FYA will not be doing this; we just need a table with information about our shelter and services. FYA board members thought this was a good idea and will be thankful for any funds they choose to give us. They also committed to help as needed. Danny will be gone and needs members to fill the gap.
Mike Powers, the CEO of FMH, is open to a future relationship with FYA.
Danny is working with K-Love and they are going to interview Marylee in December.
Sarah is working on the monologues and all production costs have been donated. She is looking for a theater to do this as a summer project.
Danny also suggested the Amazon Wish List to add later as a possible funding source.
Temporary Shelter: We will be functioning as a temporary shelter in November. Patrick posed the following questions to the board: What are our questions? What don’t we know? Kathryn wanted to know if it was a drop-in? Sarah said youth are checked-in and are given an assigned sleeping area. If they leave, they cannot come back. They get up at 6 a.m. and showers are available. We cannot provide food because we aren’t licensed. Danny asked about the male/female arrangements since that question has been put to him. Sarah said the idea is that there will be a male and female staff person there and they will be awake all night. It is near the police station which helps with any security issues. If there was an incident; Marylee would be our spokesperson. Board members will refer questions to her; she will inform the board of any incident via e-mail. The Executive Director will develop a protocol with all key people involved in the shelter for notification and response to incidents.
There was a note from Marylee’s report about the delay in getting our insurance. Insurance must be in place, prior to getting grant funding.
Legal advice—FYA is still looking for a board member to provide this service. Brad suggested Foraker as a legal provider to pass our documents to for review. He said they are very affordable. Patrick said we will check this out.
Patrick shared a chart of the FYA governing Board of Director in partnership with Fairbanks Rescue Mission. The chart showed our staff, volunteers, vistas, and others. It was also a flow chart of future employees and when they would be hired. This chart is for The Door.
Documents and Policies: Patrick will work on these tomorrow and requested the board read them over and send him their comments. Brad asked if this was for The Door or the temporary shelter. Patrick replied that the documents should identify which.
Next meeting scheduled for November 26, Monday from 5-7pm.
Meeting adjourned at 7:02
Respectfully Submitted: Barbara Tyndall, Secretary