JULY 31, 2012, 5:00—7:00
- Roll call
Present: Patrick Endres, Barbara Tyndall, Kathryn Birch, Rilene Ann, Sarah Finnell, Meryem Kugzruk, Brad Johnston, Marylee Bates
Absent: Danny Bramer , Dave Bates
- Prayer—Meryem Kugzruk opened in prayer
- Minutes Approved unanimously
- Unfinished Business
- Google Docs—Patrick Endres asked who is familiar with this program. Most
have had some experience with it. Marylee and Patrick have used it extensively.
There is a link on the FYA website to share documents. We can also share through g-mail once we are given approval. Collections lists all the documents related to FYA. Patrick gave a demonstration on how to share documents and work on them collaboratively.
- Board Gathering—scheduled for August 25 from 9:00—1:00. A business meeting will take place at 8:30. Topics for the day are as follows:
- i. Constituency Model—link available on our website
- ii. Board Training—roles and responsibilities
- iii. Planning: updating goals
- iv. February Fundraising
- v. Other—business meeting
- Position Descriptions: Brad Johnston suggested that we can evaluate salaries for a clinical director annually, based on cost of living data. We can offer a 3-year contract with a probationary period. He said we must our base salaries on state requirements. Patrick suggested we the reevaluate the Clinical Director’s salary at a future meeting. The Director’s position as a licensed minister would also need to be documented and researched for benefits. Salary details for this position will be discussed at a future business meeting.
A director evaluation committee was added to our site.
It was suggested that Dave Bates’ phone be password protected and this be added to the job description.
The salary for our Executive Director was discussed. Our goal for this salary will be researched and a stipend or reduced salary will be paid and added to until such a time as the goal can be met. This will be checked annually. There are some grants that can be applied for to alleviate some of the cost. This was also tabled until a future meeting; possibly in September.
The following positions and contracts were unanimously agreed upon and will be posted on our web site. Brad requested that the salaries be locked in soon to facilitate the creation of our budget. This needs to be done by the first of the year.
- Clinical Director (Dave Bates)
- Executive Director (Marylee Bates)
- Employment Contracts—edited to Executive/Program Director;
- Promotion of Fairbanks Youth Advocates:
- 30-second PSA:
- Video: Sarah Finnell reported that she contacted professors at UAF who forwarded her request to students. Sarah received a call from Annette who would like to work on this for free. Her time frame is August. The board agreed that we should move forward on this offer; the price is right and would lay the groundwork for future projects. Marylee agreed to take it on and asked for Annette’s phone number.
- Parenting Tips—radio PSA’s is one idea
- Vista Update:
- Sarah: (see agenda notes)
- Community Meeting Update—Since we won’t have a shelter this winter, alternative plans were discussed on July 13 by community members. Marylee reported that the group came up with four suggestions: Shared spaces (such as a church not used during week); vouchers for hostels and bed and breakfasts; the Housing First project going on at South Cushman—perhaps using unused parts of that building. The fourth one is Host Homes; for youth to be embedded in a family helps get them through school. The next community meeting will be August 31 at 10:00 a.m. at Public Health. There is an Ameri-Corps person from Joel’s place who needs an internship and may be available to coordinate this project. He will be paid through Joel’s Place.
Marylee said this entire plan might turn out to be a back-up plan for every winter when beds are full.
- Donations for July: $360 ($260 from Walk for Charity)
- Borough Property Taxes: We are required to pay property taxes this and most of next year. We will no longer be required to pay them once we have the shelter operating as a shelter.
- Fatbet.net—Patrick reported that this is a site created by a friend of his. Participants wager how much weight they would like to lose. If they don’t make the goal, they pay up. Patrick put $100 to FYA if goals aren’t made and many have signed on!
- Committee Reports:
- Volunteer & Events Committee
- Fundraising: met Friday, June 29 from 5:00 to 6:30 Danny, Sarah, Rilene, Barbara were in attendance. Are planning an event for February 5. (See agenda notes)
- Public Information
- Building Committee Update—Vince Merlott is inspecting the building. The current foundation cannot be replaced in order to utilize our renovation grant. Vince said he did not see any problems at this time.
- Applicant Meryem Kugzruk—The group discussed accepting Meryem as a member of the FYA board. Patrick moved that we accept Meryem as a board member with a one year commitment. Brad seconded. Passed unanimously.