In a nut shell? Life really is a faith walk.
May & June Meetings:
Arctic Alliance: 5/2/ – adjourned for summer
City Council Mtg.: 5/21
Fairbanks Chamber:
(I dropped Chamber for writing lately)
FHHC (Fairbanks Homeless & Housing Coalition)– 5/24 & 6/21
Youth Focus Group: is a committee of the FHHC & I chair this. We are getting ready for an outreach at the Angry Young and Poor event.
Fairbanks Rescue Mission: The Vista’s and I attend weekly staff meetings at FRM and then have our own ‘staff meeting’ as well. Rodney & I meet every Tuesday.
Family to Family: (OCS) 5/16/ we’ve adjourned for summer.
Serve Alaska: Community Discussion on how volunteers can impact a community 6/19/
Brown Bag Quarterly for Professionals Working with Youth: 6/27
Contacts: Personal meetings with key people & agencies – this is really about building relationship with people who we’ll be working with for the long haul.
1) Tabor Rehbaum, E.D. of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska. We discussed their mentorship program and setting our future clients up with Bigs.
2) Fairbanks Counseling & Adoption’s ED and Street Outreach folks were inquiring about the availability of shelter for their youth.
3) Montie Ford from Family Centered Services of Alaska, we discussed positions and organizational structure.
4) Luke Burton (InnerCHANGE) and I met over skype twice – discussing missionaries as house parents.
5) Angie Hufford : Safe Families – an option for host homes
6) I have contacted Chief of Police Zager, Senator Lisa Murkowski’s special assistant, and North Pole mayor, Doug Isaacson – and will be talking with all of them soon.
1) Basic Center Program Webinar with MANY, Mid Atlantic Network for Youth ($45.00)
2) Safe Place Webinar & Training: Sarah went on our behalf
3) Trauma Informed Care
4) Family Intervention: Building Relationships and Increasing Stability for Runaway and Homeless Youth
5) RESPECT: Communication Skills
6) Leadership training at Fairbanks Rescue Mission.
Donations & Fundraising
May: $970.00 from 6 different people, 4 of whom we did not know + $362.83 (Bramer kids – National Lemonade Day) + $260. Walk for Charity
June: $315.00 total, from 3 individuals in memory of Gene Shafer, + from 2 new donors
Other Items donated:
Polar Fleece Blankets from Randy Smith Students
2 washers, 2 dryers, large copier and smaller desk top
Other Topics:
Vistas: Meagan’s first day was 5/7. The activities in her VAD are:
Activity 1: Create Sustainable Summer Awareness Campaign
Activity 2: In-Kind Resource Development
Activity 3: Establish Youth Awareness Newsletter and Mailing Database
Coordinated Community Meeting: in light that we need shelter for youth – but it will not be happening this winter, I would like to use this opportunity to bring in all the agencies and public who is interested in this conversation – for the purposes of coming up with a fall back plan during the winter. I see this as an opportunity to strengthen our community ties and to pull the community together to solve this community problem. Alan Corrick, pastor at DOH and known personally to many of these organizations will facilitate this meeting. (July 13, 3:00 at FRM)
May 12th one went out to all,
June 22 – to all partner agencies – to update them about the set back in construction dates
Alaska Mental Health Trust Grant: I submitted this, $10,000 for mediation and family counseling services for clients of The Door who cannot pay. They changed the due date to 9/1. I contacted them and told them that our construction date had changed – but they said no worries.
BHAP & ESG: is potentially forfeited due to the change in construction. I contacted AHFC and need to notify them officially. As per our conversation, I have written a letter requesting the salary for the Program Director and why. In a follow up call – It does not sound promising.
BCP: Because of the Basic Center Program grant application I have been working on many different fronts. In order to complete it – one has to work on budgets, business plan, organizational flow chart, MOAs, policies, etc. So a great deal of work has been getting done. We will continue to work on this so that next year we will be ready for it and not have to pour so much time into it.
Visitor Industry Charity Walk: We made nearly $300.00 without even trying. We could make more next year with a little effort???
Storage Unit: 3 AmeriCorps members helped us move our items out of an unsecured trailer – to a secure storage 6/13. A big thanks to Danny and truck to head up moving.
Logo & Stationary: We paid Damian $150.00 and a $25.00 Amazon gift certificate. We ordered some stationary and cards with our logo.
Mail Chimp: Our next newsletter will come out both via email and mail chimp. We only have 29 folks who have signed up to receive our newsletter using mail chimp. If you have not, please use link from website: http://www.fairbanksyouthadvocates.org/updates/newsletter