previous minutes not listed are available upon request to Marylee
Board Meeting, April 27, 2012, Minutes
5:00- 7:03
Present: Patrick, Dave Miller, Danny, Brad, Kathryn, Sarah, & Barb via phone. Marylee, Dave and Rodney were also present.
We welcomed new board members Dave Miller, Danny Bramer, and Kathryn Birch.
Community Development Block Grant:
We discussed the suggested the new wording (life time of building) at length. Rodney said he would have to ask his board directly, but that he was in support of it and he felt that his board would also agree with the language. MSP(Patrick, Sarah F.) “We proceed to inform the city that we are unanimously fine with the suggested change in language.” We agreed that a letter would be written to the city and all signatures would be included.
Board website protocol:
We agreed to use email for simple messages and for clarifications. Use board blog for all information that should be accounted for.
Committee development:
We discussed the need and brainstormed types of committees and functions. It was discussed that committees should be chaired by board members, but made up of community members. Committees need to run ideas through ED, but they should have authority but not responsibility for getting the task done.
Dave volunteered to chair the Building Committee.
Other possible committees:
Policies & Procedures: Brad J will be involved in this process.
Public Information: Patrick will chair this committee
Job Descriptions & Limitations
Events: Sarah F and Kathy B expressed interest in this committee
Fundraising: Danny Bramer expressed interest in this committee, (and Barb T has expressed interest in the past)
Video Production:
We decided no to an AmeriCorps video crew but agreed to return to this conversation regarding videos: church presentation 2-3 minutes, PSAs directed towards youth, etc.
Staffing of the door:
Yes to moving forward in using missionaries. Marylee will begin to work on establishing a job description.
Unfinished business for in between or next time:
* Job descriptions
* Training for Marylee & Travel
* Annual Fundraiser (February/March – Project Run-A-way?)
* Retreat options and dates
* MJ Murdock grant: what is the best use of the funds?
Web Vote: Amended Bylaws – Access of Service – April 9th
Patrick proposed amendments to the Bylaws regarding who we will serve. With 51% of board members weighing in- in favor. This was accepted and passed.
Web Vote: Amended Bylaws – Faith statement – April 6th
Patrick proposed amendments to the Bylaws. They were accepted and passed unanimously with all members voting as recorded by the blog.
Teleconference 3/28/2012
8:00 pm Barb, Brad, Patrick, Sarah and Marylee were conference call. Dave Miller and Kathryn were excused from this discussion as they had just been voted onto the board at the last meeting and they had not met Danny. All board members on the teleconference were in agreement to accept Danny Bramer’s application to the board.
Board Mtg. 3/21/2012, respectfully submitted by Marylee
5:05 – 6:50 p.m. Wilson & Wilson
All board members present: Patrick, Barb, Brad, Sarah F.,
+ Sarah Smith (Vista), Marylee, Dave B. and guests Jeanne and Danny Bramer
Patrick offered that we will try to create an agenda and post documents 1 week ahead of scheduled meeting – so board members can read and be prepared at meetings to discuss items.
Public Information / Awareness
* Newsletters: we discussed using Mail Chimp. Our Vista will review this.
* We agreed to bring Dolly Caswell up from Eagle River, April 27 – 30 to do community presentations. We’ve contacted Alaska Airlines to see if they will donate her ticket.
* We agreed to hold a Logo Contest for FYA with an award of $150.00. Our Vista will look into this.
* Monologues: Our Vista, is writing these and interested in planning to use them as community awareness, potentially as an event. It was suggested Open Mic at College Coffee and / or Artisans Court Yard be utilized.
CDBG Update:
* We looked at the MOU, had questions regarding #6. It was decided that Marylee would discuss it with Margarita, then forwarded to Jeannie/Danny Bramer who offered a sister in law to review it.
* Taxes will be sent to Arlene for review next week. Brad agreed to review them first.
* Two Alaska Airline Credit Cards will be applied for. One for CC and one for FYA.
* We have been given an award from the Alaska Alpha Delta Kappa. Barb agreed to attend meeting April 14th with Marylee to receive the check in person.
Board Bios – please provide Patrick with a few statements (why we serve) as well as something a little more substantial for Marylee to use in Grant Applications.
Vista Report:
Sarah introduced us to our Facebook presence. Fair is out, Downtown Markets (Mondays) and Farmer’s Market (Wednesday) are in. Will have to follow DEC regs. and fill out proper paper work, pay for fees, etc. We will be a resource for other community agencies as well – a referral service. Sarah is also establishing MOAs with many organizations, and researching funding opportunities.
Retreat: The board discussed taking time on a weekend for a retreat. This would include a time of getting to know each other as well as doing Program activities like working through the Constituency Model and developing the Case for Support, etc. Marylee will contact Mike Walsh.
Dave’s Report:
We have $45,184.86 in both savings & checking. Business is going well. Dave is talking to Gunnar Ebbesson for ideas about bringing up or finding a second counselor.
Employee Alternatives:
Marylee shared that the AmeriCorps members might not be the best choice for shelter staff. Missionaries and Jesuit Volunteers were discussed. It was suggested student interns be an extra – but not main staff. Marylee has an appointment to meet with folks involved in
Jeanne and Danny Bramer were thanked for attending and invited to leave, as was Sarah Vista.
New Board Members:
The Board voted and agreed to change ByLaws to include 11 board members, not less than 5.
1) Dave Miller: application discussed and accepted
2) Kathryn Birch: application discussed and accepted
3) Ken Pleasant: at this time, his application was not accepted for a board position, but we look forward to a partnership and the support of Ken in the future as someone who can help with projects, etc.
Board Mtg. 2/7/2012, submitted by Marylee
5:24 – 7:00 Wilson & Wilson (Patrick, Barb, Brad, Sarah Finnell, Sarah Smith, Marylee, Rhema absent)
Board Membership: We welcomed Sarah Finnell, since she had been voted in via blog and we had extended an invitation to her a year or more, ago. For future board members it was decided:
- Unanimous agreement is critical.
- Applicants will be asked for references.
- Marylee will clean up draft policy and members can look at it in google docs.
- Regarding current applicant, board members wanted to know more.
Employment contracts: Marylee submitted 2 drafts (Marylee’s and Dave’s). Brad will take a look at them & make suggestions.
Taxes – are due May 15th, a 3 month extension would be Aug. 15th. Dave will follow up with Arlene Koenig who has done the taxes before.
Fundraising: (dates were not selected, though November is National Youth Homeless Awareness month)
Sarah/Vista presented ideas:
- Project Run-A-Way a take off from Project Runway: Competition between applicants, pair with dinner possibly –
- Sleep Out – recruit youth groups/service groups to construct a cardboard city – and get sponsors to support them if they sleep out
- Fair: as a means to get the message out and sell rosettes (door knob shape) to help us Open the Door
- Provide different ways that community members can get monthly sponsors (meal, bed, child, or? )
Other suggestions:
- contact Dave Miller for input on fundraising ideas
- get sponsors for the fair booth
- sponsors for plaques – on a wall at the house, corporate agencies & individuals,
Raising Awareness ideas:
- Public Movie Night
- Open House in November
- Public Service Announcements – prepare them and then time them with cold
Website: Patrick suggested a committee get together and discuss upgrades. Also, that it have a more personal look to it. Marylee’s page is up now and board members to soon follow. Members should please send Patrick a sentence or two about why they are involved.
Board Mtg. 1/22/2012, submitted by Marylee
10:00 – 12:00 Clearwater Office (Patrick, Barb, Marylee, Brad Johnston, Sarah Smith and David Bates present, Rhema absent)
We accepted Brad Johnston as interim Treasurer. (MSP, Patrick, Marylee)
Bylaws: we reviewed them from beginning to end, making quite a few changes. Motion was passed to accept them.
Sarah Smith reported that she has been working on funding ideas. Alice and Underground is no longer a possibility. She will meet with Kitty & Barb in Feb. to talk funding possibilities. She is making a presentation with KIN, Knowledge Information Network, 1/26/12 at Los Amigos – 5-7 – free dinner, all are welcome to come support Sarah.
Positions, Titles and Organizational structure:
Dave was elected Clinical Director of Clearwater Counseling.
Marylee, was elected Executive Director of Clearwater Ministries Inc. (MSP Patrick, Barb) and will oversee Fairbanks Youth Advocates, but will also be Recording Secretary for the Board of Directors. This went into effect at the close of the meeting.
Barb was elected to be both Secretary and Vice President (MSP Patrick, Marylee) until we increase the options. We agreed that we need to work on job descriptions with ED limitations lined out and both Marylee & Dave need employment contracts. We also agreed that we need to establish policies for employees and each employee needs a file.
Dave reported that Clearwater Counseling made approximately the same amount this year as last year, $33,266 in 2011. So far $20,000. has been given to Fairbanks Youth Advocates.
A final draft of the BHAP/ESG resolution was agreed upon to be submitted with the grant proposal.
Yes to taking advantage of the $99.00 membership fee with Grant Station.
We also agreed that we need 2 credit cards: 1 for Clearwater Counseling with Dave and Kathie as signers, and one for Clearwater Ministries with Marylee and _________ as signer. Marylee will work on this with Bank of America/ Alaska Airlines.
Brad volunteered the name of Karen Anderson as someone who might be able to assist FYA in the future in developing accounting related policies and procedures. Karen is studying for her CPA.
Marylee reported that the BHAP/ESG requirements are that we maintain all insurances, and that we would need to keep a cash as this is a spend it first, then get reimbursed situation.
The next meeting will be held Monday, February 6, 4:30 – 5:30.
See Calendar for location and confirmation of time.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:10.
Any corrections/suggestions, please make them to Marylee directly.