- Meeting convened at 5:30 pm via Zoom Video Conference. Attendees: Jim Williams, Patrick Endres, Kendi Adams, Leland Rich, Joyce Weis, co and interim director Marylee Bates, co and interim director Rodney Gaskins, and new Executive Director Brian Taylor. A quorum was present.
- Prayer/Devotion (Jim)
- Meeting Minutes – Approve
- June 14th Regular Board Meeting – (MSP Kendi, Joyce) – Accepted unanimously.
- July work sessions –Board Meeting minutes to be put up on the blog by Joyce, and to be accepted via the board blog.
- Signature Items, Board Housekeeping
- Candidate for another board member: Tiffany Simmons.
- Last meeting for Joyce Weis in September.
- Financial Reports
- Balance Sheet and Income Statement
- First 7 months of 2021 and prior two years were reviewed by the board and Wilson & Wilson
- Checking & Savings – accurate
- Denali State – not reconciled
- Quickbooks is moving from online to desktop
- Wilson & Wilson recommends combining the The Door and Clearwater Quickbooks and utilizing “Classes” in Quickbooks to distinguish these. This makes more sense to the bookkeepers.
- They are going to start tracking PTO with checks.
- First 7 months of 2021 and prior two years were reviewed by the board and Wilson & Wilson
- Budget update
- Jim is recommending to the board we update the budget to reflect the level of detail of the reports given this evening.
- Q&A with Wilson and Wilson
- Wilson & Wilson will try to get income sheets to the board the Friday prior.
- Tax penalty previously applied has been abated.
- Tax return for 2020 is due November 15. If needed, we will file with the best information and file an addendum.
- Renee has not received information on the property taxes. This is a top priority for ED and Wilson & Wilson to resolve.
- Renee recommends the organization make sure they have a Fidelity Bond – covers Board of Directors and Employees if there is a dishonest employee. It appears the insurance payment amount has not changed, so this may still be in place.
- Balance Sheet and Income Statement
- ED Report
- The Door, facility update
- Rodney discussed maintenance topics.
- Staffing Update
- Marylee discussed hiring of more employees.
- The directors are issuing COVID Hazard Pay – each of the current employees will receive $1,000 for their efforts in helping to keep the shelter going. It will be $1000 after taxes. This was discussed in previous meetings and the board has no objections.
- FPD Update
- The Door, facility update
- Unfinished Business
- (Action) Treasurer’s position
- Leland Rich is willing to serve as treasurer
- Motion to accept Leland Rich as treasurer. (MSP Patrick, Joyce) Leland Rich has been accepted as treasurer. Passed unanimously.
- (Action) IRS 990 filing for 2020 – This was discussed with Wilson & Wilson. The board would like to review this prior to submission if possible.
- (Action) CBDG close out transfer of shelter from CoF to FYA – will discuss next meeting
- (Action) Treasurer’s position
- New Business
- (Discussion/Action) Future of Clearwater
- Rodney discussed funding for non-profits. In Fairbanks, there are competing agencies for donor dollars. Also, there are two funds for homelessness, Anchorage and the rest of the state. We are considered as the rest of the state. A lot of non-profits create avenues of income and Clearwater was this for Fairbanks Youth Advocates.
- Rodney ran a spreadsheet of numbers for Clearwater – net funds which funded The Door
- 2019 $118,000 net (roughly)
- 2018 $57,000 net (roughly)
- 2017 $18,000 net (roughly)
- Rodney advocates we keep Clearwater, but change the model/rebrand it. Clearwater generates funds for underserved youth. FYA is the largest individual contributor to The Door (which it is currently). Treat Clearwater as a program of FYA, and head counselor as a program director.
- There is grant funding available for mental health services for underprivileged individuals; this would allow Clearwater to serve the community in a much-needed area
- We could partner with UAF for interns
- Social media push for mental health and wellness- Clearwater could provide a presence online to help the community
- We could hire more counselors. We could focus on family counseling, too, which would help with an issue surrounding youth homelessness.
- Marylee commented that our clientele includes 60% military, and a lot of marriage counseling, which many counselors are unwilling to provide (they prefer individual).
- Jim brought up questions about liabilities and risks. Recommends starting a Business Plan.
- Action item: EDs will come up with a plan and bring this back to the board.
- (Discussion/Action) Financial Policies, Proposed Changes
- Marylee has ideas for added checks and balances in the organization’s finances.
- Patrick recommends a committee review this and bring the findings to the board. Leland and Jim will form a committee to review and complete this with the executive directors.
- (Discussion/Action) Denali State Bank Account – Close
- Leland moves that we close the Denali State Bank Account (MSP Leland, Patrick). Kendi requested the balance of the account. Marylee to bring the amount to the board with recommendations for where to put that amount. This motion passed unanimously.
- (Discussion/Action) Wilson & Wilson Contract and Invoices
- $40,000 of invoices submitted to the board for expenses
- Leland, Jim, and Rodney will meet with Wilson & Wilson and discuss
- We have a future goal for everything in-house except payroll
- Settlement agreement from the State worker’s compensation insurance
- It came to our attention that our worker’s compensation policy lapsed for 45 days. Settlement from the state was the least amount of fee that they could possibly charge, $1900. Document was reviewed by Jim. Board discussed and there are no objections with proceeding.
- Motion to accept the settlement agreement from the state and authorize the board treasurer or secretary to sign the agreement (MSP Jim, Patrick). Motion passed unanimously. Leland or Joyce can sign the document.
- (Discussion/Action) Future of Clearwater
- Committee Reports
- Fundraising Committee – nothing new to report at this time.
- Sunshine Committee – Kendi – $10 coffee gift cards in July, $10 Crepery Gift Cards in August.
- Building Committee – Rodney provided an update earlier in the meeting.
- Jim proposes reorganizing committees:
- Short-term, needs based committees
- Executive Committee – working with the ED on high-level business of the organization
- Stake-holder Relations Committee – communicating with them, rewarding them, etc.
- Developing the Organization – assisting the ED with development of the organization and new programs
- Next Meeting(s) or events:
- September Board Meeting – 22nd 5:30pm
- Upcoming board/ED Absences:
- Jim on leave, local area Sept 1-15
- Marylee out next two weeks, back by September 1. Then she leaves September 17th – Dave said he would be available for signing.
- Rodney will be out of town for one week, first week of September.
- Meeting adjourned at 7:46pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Weis, FYA Board Secretary