Roll Call: Jim Williams, Alnise Wyles, Paul Alanson, Kendi Adams, Joyce Weis, and Dave Miller via phone
- Thank you cards to donors were signed and Alnise shared a donor story about a $50,000 estate donation.
- Future action item: A thank you BBQ to the public after the pandemic was discussed.
- Service awards to long-time board members and founding Executive Director were reviewed.
- Conflict of interest policy reviewed and signed.
- All in attendance reviewed and signed this policy. Dave Miller was present telephonically, but has signed this form in previous years as a board member and agrees to the terms.
- ABCS of Board Dynamics reviewed – Jim Williams
- Attitude – positivity and productivity
- Behavior- respectful and diplomatic
- Candor- Trusting and speaking up when needed
- FYA Mission statement reviewed and affirmed by the board.
- Future action item: Our mission statement may be updated to reflect the fact that our main purpose is to shelter and equip youth with resources.
- Short-term goals for 2020 were reviewed.
- Priority 1: Has not been met yet due to the pandemic. We are considering this as a 2021 Goal.
- Priority 2: Write an Updated Business Plan: Has not been met due to the pandemic. Consider for 2021.
- Priority 3: Alnise worked on this a lot this past year and we have made some pretty good progress.
- Priority 4: We made great headway, but there is still some work on the books. We have a new bookkeeper at the Wilson & Wilson firm which will probably help resolve this in 20201. Dave’s Contract resolved. Dave’s Salary adjustment is coming up. Last year we voted but this wasn’t put into his contract.
- Priority 5: Grow the Board – we brought on two new members.
- Priority 6: ED fully transitioned. Shelter fully staffed.
- A draft of our strategic plan was made with the following categories and action items, and the most important items are listed in bold:
- Staff – developing, growing, and retaining staff
- Morale
- More engaged with overnight
- Leadership team presence
- Increase degree pay incentive / night differential
- 3rd person
- Morale
- Communicating our story
- Update the website
- Newsletter
- Facilities: Development & Maintenance – Develop and maintain our facilities
- Facilities inspection or assessment every quarter
- Update the campus plan
- Community Relations – Develop and maintain
- Radio ads
- BBQ / open house
- Finances: Improving Finances & Resource Development
- Accurate and transparent reports – balance sheets and cash flows
- Hire a third counselor
- Business Plan
- Youth Programs
- COVID has restricted
- COVID exit plan- Makayla and Alnise have goals- need to develop further
- ED Support
- Hire coordinator
- Use leave
- Foraker plan every month
- ED evaluation – evaluation process
- Check in with staff
- Renewing our faith-based values
- Explore a statement of faith for board members and the Executive Director
- Devotions at board meetings
- Governance
- Strategic Plan
- Board meeting agenda and documents seven days in advance
- Staff – developing, growing, and retaining staff
- Future action items discussed:
- A thank you BBQ to the public after the pandemic
- Our mission statement may be updated to reflect the fact that our main purpose is to shelter and equip youth with resources.
- Strategic planning with non-board member in the summer
- Board to review Dave’s salary adjustment.
- Each board member to bring 5 things for improvement on the website to our next board meeting
- Alnise and leadership team to develop a COVID exit-strategy
- Discussing properties with the Assessor
- Agendas and items to be sent to the board a week or weekend in advance
- Implementing a short devotion at board meetings
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Weis, FYA Board Secretary