- Meeting called to order at 5:12 pm. Convened via Zoom video conference. Attendees: Jim Williams, Alnise Wyles, Paul Alanson, Kendi Adams, Timothy Ledna, Joyce Weis. Absent: Dave Miller. A quorum was present.
- Jim Williams opened in prayer.
- September 23, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes were accepted. (MSP Joyce, Paul)
- Signature items- Alnise has set up an inbox at the shelter for Jim.
- Time sheets – Jim has been signing these.
- Thank you notes – Jim has been signing on behalf of the board.
- Board Positions
- Recognition of Sarah & Patrick’s service – Jim still working on this.
- Potential board members (spellings?)
- Stephanie Rosell- Jim made contact and will call back.
- Bernard Gatewood – unable to join the board due to commitments
- Brad Lawood – has contacted our board and is interested in filling a position.
- Financial Report – Alnise Wyles
- Donor Update – Donations are picking back up, which is typical of this time of the year. Donor retention is going well.
- Balance Sheets and Income Statement – Alnise went over balances with the board and all questions were answered. We are awaiting $25,000 from the state, which is behind on payments due to COVID.
- Months of Cash On Hand analysis – Year to date is not available as weekly meeting with Philene had to be cancelled. This will be provided when next available.
- Fund raising – general plan through Spring 2021
- Spring Carhartts and Pearls may be postponed due to COVID
- Virtual OHN this year
- Virtual Paint Night in November
- ED Report
- COVID update – There have been a few more exposures at Clearwater and the shelter, which have been addressed according to state standards. Our licensing specialist has required an updated plan with three backup staff members. Alnise to follow up with the state on this and let the board know if she needs assistance.
- Staffing update – The shelter is now fully staffed. The staff had a great staff meeting to help diffuse tension with the stressors of COVID.
- Drake Street update – It has been arranged for someone to occupy the house from the Rescue Mission. They will be providing beds and food and the state will pay $1000 rent. After two weeks, Alnise will look into someone to house sit until the property is ready for YHDP.
- Shelter update – The shelter is fully staffed. There are 9 kids in house; there has consistently been 9-12 all year. All current kids are in school online. There is currently a “shelter in place” in effect in the shelter.
- Clearwater update – The temporary secretary has decided to stay on. Dave is working to recruit colleagues to fill the open position.
- Professional Development Update – Certificate of Non-Profit Management – Alnise is working on her Certificate of Non-Profit Management through December. This month, she learned about finances and budgets and this knowledge will be a great asset to her duties.
- Unfinished Business
- New Board member orientation – followed immediately after the board meeting. Timothy Ledna, Kendi Adams, Jim Williams, Joyce Weis, and Alnise Wyles were present.
- Planning Meeting for Core Values, Strategic Plan, and Business Plan (tabled)
- New Business
- 2021 Budget – 1st Draft Presented by Alnise
- Three new positions highlighted in the first draft: Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator, Admin Assistant, Care Coordinator. These were in 2020’s budget, but not filled.
- Alnise highlighted the grants that will be providing funding. We do not anticipate any less grant funds for 2021.
- $40,000-some deficit currently
- Board to review copies sent/placed on board blog. Action to be taken on budget in November.
- 2021 Budget – 1st Draft Presented by Alnise
- Staff Appreciation Plan
- Alnise to get back with the board after staff poll to decide on potential dates/location for December and what the staff would appreciate. Joyce to help coordinate signup for board contribution.
- If we make food, Timothy has offered his famous tacos and Kendi has offered to bake something
- Board Retreat Planning – This is our annual meeting to plan out the year, fellowship, and have good food. We will have this at the red house, scheduled tentatively for Jan 9th 2-6pm or 16th 2-6 pm.
- Committee Reports
- Fundraising Committee
- Timothy Ledna has been appointed committee chair
- Virtual Paint Night (Tentatively scheduled for Friday, November 13)
- Sunshine Committee
- Kendi Adams has been appointed the new committee chair. Paul has volunteered to join.
- Building committee – Dave Miller
- Jim has proposed a work party for the red house based on needs assessed by Alnise.
- Fundraising Committee
- Next Meeting: November 18, 2020 5pm
- Meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Weis
FYA Board Secretary