- Roll call- Present: Jim Williams; Joyce Weis; Sarah Finnell; Paul Alanson; Alnise Wyles; Timothy Ledna; Dave Miller
- Open in prayer by Paul
- Financial Report – Jim Williams. See Alnise’s report. Bank accounts still need to be reconciled.
- Accept May 2020 minutes (MSP Joyce, Dave)
- Signature items
- Time sheets- Joyce will stop by the office to sign
- Thank you notes- Alnise will sign on behalf of the board
- ED Report
- Transition- Alnise is officially recognized by the State as the ED of FYA. Still checking in with Marylee weekly, and as-needed. Alnise is hoping to meet with the new Chief of Police to build that relationship. Alnise is attending more speaking engagements in the community.
- Staffing- things are going well, new staff have been hired and are settling in well.
- Foraker Certificate in Nonprofit Management: Alnise has been accepted, and received a travel scholarship. The cost is higher than the allocated training allowance in the budget, but could be pulled from the staff development budget. The board is in favor of finding the funds within the budget to make this happen.
- YHDP update: difficulty with keeping youth engaged, so Alnise is planning an event to share the project with youth and gain support.
- Clearwater Update:
- Housing Allowance for Head Counselor of Clearwater: Discussion- Previously, we had shifted Dave Bates’ pay to take out the housing allowance because Dave was not believed to be providing ministerial services any longer. He put forward a proposal that shows that he is doing ministerial work. The board’s advice was to check with a CPA who can determine whether the proposal would hold up with regards to tax law. We will revisit this issue at our August meeting, or online through the board website.
- Our part-time therapist, Jamie, is seeing fewer clients, hopefully that will increase soon.
- Financials:
- Alnise has spent a huge amount of time trying to resolve errors with Wilson & Wilson. Alnise, Jim, and Joyce will get a follow-up meeting with the Wilson & Wilson manager to address the issues.
- Alnise has been successfully added to the Alaska Airlines credit card- to take effect by early July.
- Alnise needs to be added to the Denali State Bank account. Joyce moved to add Alnise to the Denali State Bank account, both checking & savings accounts. (MSP Joyce, Paul). Alnise will get in touch with board members to sign the necessary paperwork for this change.
- Donations have been back up!
- Our new receptionist is going to school to become an accountant, currently learning about Quickbooks, and hopes to stay on long term.
- New Business
- Review Mid-Year Progress http://www.fairbanksyouthadvocates.org/board/operations/2016-operation-plan/
- Decided to delete priority 3, “Grow our usable space,” due to it not being an imminent concern. Good to keep focusing on the shelter needs and clearwater supporting our current work, rather than trying to expand at this time.
- ED 360 Eval (usually due in June)
- 360 not needed due to transition- this will happen next summer, after Alnise has been in her role full-time for a year. Meanwhile, Alnise plans to ask staff to evaluate her regularly, and is a self-reflective director.
- Evaluation requirements requested by licensing: Joyce will sign off on Alnise’s ED report, as a monthly evaluation, when she comes in to sign timesheets.
- Review Mid-Year Progress http://www.fairbanksyouthadvocates.org/board/operations/2016-operation-plan/
- Committee Reports
- Fundraising Committee
- Carhartts and Pearls
- Postponed to April 2021
- One Homeless Night
- Saturday, September 12- potentially doing a zoom version depending on what happens with COVID. Alnise has ideas for this- a virtual tour and participants sleep out in their own yard instead of on-sight.
- Virtual Paint Night
- Tentatively scheduled for Friday, November 13 with Cheri Bagwell. We will try to negotiate a lower price to raise more funds. The board agreed that the theme should be what the artist knows to be a popular choice during the time (a crowd favorite)
- Carhartts and Pearls
- Sunshine Committee
- Volunteer Appreciation update- Claudia expressed thanks for the individual phone call and invitation. In general, we had a very positive response from volunteers who were called.
- Employee BBQ a success – extend thanks to Dave and Laurie and everyone who contributed and helped. Staff have already mentioned in passing how much they enjoyed it.
- Building committee
- Drake Street: nothing to discuss beyond notes in ED update
- Fundraising Committee
- Summer month meeting break: July
- Watch emails in case board needs to vote on blog for anything
- Unfinished business, tabled for future meetings
- Review Bylaws and Policies in August:
- Planning Meeting for Core Values, Strategic Plan, and Business Plan- this is a goal to complete by the end of the year
- Next Meeting: August 19 at 5pm
- Meeting Adjourned at 6:41pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Finnell