- Roll call- Present: Joyce Weis; Alnise Wyles, Jim Williams, Timothy Ledna, Dave Miller, Sarah Finnell. Absent: Paul Alanson
- Open in prayer by Joyce
- Accept April 2020 minutes (MSP Timothy, Jim)
- Signature items
- Time sheets
- Thank you notes- May will be the last month Alnise will sign on behalf of the Board
- ED Report
- Staffing
- YHDP update
- Clearwater Updates: Telehealth still happening with one counselor. Others are meeting with one client per counselor at a time
- Transition process: Marylee & Alnise now meeting once a week
- COVID-19: opening up restrictions for youth next week- no longer “shelter in place” and kids who need a place to sleep, can come in, even for a night.
- We received a check from our insurance company for unrealized rent due to the house fire at the Drake Street house. The Board decided to move $24,000 from the Alaska USA savings account, into the Denali State Bank account, specifically dedicated to fund the Drake Street house (MSP Jim, Dave).
- The FYA Credit Card is still in Marylee’s name. Alnise will open a new Alaska Airlines Visa credit card in FYA’s name. Dave Miller and Timothy Ledna will be co-guarantors on the card.
- Financial Report – Jim Williams
- Update: big challenge with bank accounts- no full picture on bank accounts and full balances. Jim thinks the root issue is account reconciliation. Big deficit in our budget as well. Jim and Alnise will work with Philene at Wilson & Wilson for another week, to try to get things reconciled.
- Committee Reports
- Fundraising Committee
- Carhartts and Pearls- postponed until next spring.
- One Homeless Night-
- Virtual Paint Night- Sherry from Alaska Art & Soul is willing to host this event. Sarah has a Zoom account that can host up to 100 participants.
- Sunshine Committee
- Volunteer Appreciation update- Sarah will send an email invitation to volunteers to attend the employee BBQ. Sarah will send an email with phone numbers and names to call and thank each volunteer individually for their support and time with FYA.
- Employee BBQ- Thursday, June 11th 5:30pm (immediately following the 5pm staff meeting. Each board member, please contribute with a dessert). Note- Dave may be called away suddenly, at which time we will decide as a board whether we should reschedule.
- Building committee
- Drake Street- Repairing the floor, and looking to find furniture for the space. Alnise will look into grants through Rasmussen Foundation.
- Fundraising Committee
- Unfinished Business
- Planning Meeting for Core Values, Strategic Plan, and Business Plan
- Tabled
- Planning Meeting for Core Values, Strategic Plan, and Business Plan
- New Business
- Adding Alnise to the AK Community Foundation Account (MSP: Joyce, Jim)
- Approval for Pick. Click. Give. For 2021 ($9,900 pledged to us!)
- Summer month meeting break: no meeting in July
- Next Meeting: June 17, 2020 at 5pm
- Adjourn at 6:57pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Finnell
FYA Board Secretary