Alnise taking care of until change in COVID Crisis
ED Report
YHDP update
Clearwater Updates
Transition process
Financial Report – Jim Williams, Treasurer
Financial transition to Wilson & Wilson
Some bill paying
Action List
A Financial Review/Internal Audit – to take place in May?
Financial reports
Statement of cash flow
Balance sheets
Statement of Activity
Budget to Date (if possible)
Committee Reports
Fundraising Committee
Carhartts and Pearls
Start planning for One Homeless Night in May
Sunshine Committee
Volunteer Appreciation update
Employee BBQ
Building committee
Unfinished Business
Planning Meeting for Core Values, Strategic Plan, and Business Plan
Jim Williams meet with EDs Marylee and Alnise and any interested board members and bring the results to be approved by board before June (ED transition date). Jim says this meeting should include: Board, EDs, Critical Staff, volunteers, funders, community stakeholders (include FPD detective division).
Zoom meetings in May? Which dates?
Contact information in board blog and bios updated by Marylee