- Roll call: Present- Sarah Finnell, Joyce Weis, Paul Alanson; Jim Williams; Marylee Bates, Alnise Wyles; Absent- none.
- Open in prayer by Jim
- February 2020 minutes were accepted on February 10, 2020
- Signature items
- Time sheets need to be signed. (Action item tabled for next meeting: Do we need to get DocuSign?)
- Thank you notes- Alnise will sign them on our behalf due to Social Distancing
- 2020 Budget Update
- Financial Report – Jim Williams
- Action List
- Financial Policies
- A Financial Review/Internal Audit (need to get together on a Saturday for this)
- According to bylaws, needs to take place every third year with a review on the alternating years https://www.fairbanksyouthadvocates.org/board/about-2/about/
- Accounting Provider is Wilson & Wilson- more expensive, but will ultimately save us money in the long term.
- Insurance Audit
- Action List
- Potential board members
- Timothy Ledna will be offered a position on the board (MSP: Dave, Jim)
- Welcome Mike O’Brien to join us at 6pm. Whether or not he submits an application to join the board, Mike has offered free legal support to FYA. Sarah will follow-up with Mike about his offer, thanking him and putting him in touch with Marylee and Alnise.
- ED Report
- May Fundraiser Update – cancelled
- Staffing
- YHDP update
- Clearwater Updates
- Transition process: Alnise- 75%, Marylee- 25%
- COVID-19
- Discussion of pay and employment for staff during this time- There are some federal guidelines for leave related to COVID-19. Alnise will work with Mike O’Brien to understand the recent Acts passed by congress regarding leave policies, and then communicate with staff about what this means for them.
- What happens if staff or youth gets sick? There might be an order to quarantine the facility.
- If the House Parent is working overtime, can we somehow compensate them for their extra time? They cannot receive overtime pay. Marylee and Alnise will work with Mike O’Brien to see what is legal in this situation. We will figure out how much other staff are making in overtime pay, and then we can give an equivalent one-time gift. Perhaps we can call it “emergency relief funds.” (MSP- Dave; Joyce)
- In light of this pandemic, the board will try to meet more often.
- Committee Reports
- Sunshine Committee- volunteer appreciation sign-up: Alnise will send names, interests, and addresses to Sarah, and she will pass a name or two along to board members.
- Building committee-
- Drake Street house should be complete by no later than mid-April.
- Two steps broke in the shelter, and were fixed. We also needed to fix a light fixture, and plumbing leak.
- Unfinished Business
- Planning Meeting for Core Values, Strategic Plan, and Business Plan
- Jim Williams meet with EDs Marylee and Alnise and any interested board members and bring the results to be approved by board before June (ED transition date). Jim says this meeting should include: Board, EDs, Critical Staff, volunteers, funders, community stakeholders (include FPD detective division). We will try to schedule this in May over the course of a few 3-hour work sessions (Jim says it’s often useful to do this over the course of “a month of Wednesdays”). Re-visit this plan at a later date.
- Planning Meeting for Core Values, Strategic Plan, and Business Plan
- New business
- Update contact information, board bios and webpage
- Please check the website, and updating your contact information https://www.fairbanksyouthadvocates.org/board/about-2/member-contacts/
- Please check your Board Bios on Blog and Webpage, and send Joyce an updated version, if necessary https://www.fairbanksyouthadvocates.org/about-us/
- Letter to the board and how to address these in the future- Joyce will follow-up with a letter in response to the concern, and Marylee will pass that along.
- Update contact information, board bios and webpage
- Next Meeting: We will have a brief, 5pm check-in meeting for the next two weeks, on April 1st and April 8th at 5pm. Our next full meeting will be April 22nd, 5-7pm
- Meeting adjourned at 6:33pm
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Finnell