- Roll call- Present: Joyce Weis, Dave Miller, Paul Alanson, Jim Williams, Marylee & Alnise, Sarah Finnell joined late
- Open in prayer by Paul
- Accept Jan 2020 meeting minutes (MSP Dave, Jim )
- Signature items:
- Time sheets
- Thank you notes
- Board positions
- Treasurer position transition: Paul Alanson stepped down as the treasurer of the board, and Jim Williams accepted the position as new treasurer (MSP Paul, Joyce)
- Board applicant Timothy Ledna- visited meeting, answered questions, observed how we operate. Paul will check references, and contingent on positive references, we will invite Timothy to join our board (MSP Dave, Jim)
- Potential board member Mike O’Brien (former School Board member, lawyer at Alaska Legal Services, former parent of Sarah’s student)- Sarah reached out and hasn’t heard back. Will try again. Continue to put on next meeting’s agenda.
- Unfinished Business
- Planning Meeting for Core Values, Strategic Plan, and Business plan- Propose Jim Williams meet with EDs Marylee and Alnise and any interested board members and bring the results to be approved by board before June (ED transition date). Jim says this meeting should include: Board, EDs, Critical Staff, volunteers, funders, community stakeholders (include FPD detective division). We will try to schedule this in May over the course of a few 3-hour work sessions (Jim says it’s often useful to do this over the course of “a month of Wednesdays”). Re-visit this plan at our next meeting.
- Expanding Clearwater Counseling as a revenue stream- We have spent a lot of time looking for new counselors, and/or finding someone who turned out to not be a good fit. The only way to grow our revenue stream through CC, would be to bring on another counselor, who would only be able to use Jamie’s office before 4pm. Other than that, we would need to expand our space in order to bring on more counselors who could bring in more revenue. Alnise will ask Sarah to advertise at Ft. Wainwright for a part-time counseling position.
- ED Report – Annual Report Presentation by ED
- Drake Street And YDHP Update
- Financials
- Signers on the bank accounts: Removing Tamara Manning, Patrick Endres, and Kelli Boyle from our AlaskaUSA bank accounts. Current signers on the AlaskaUSA bank accounts are: Alnise Wyles, Marylee Bates, Sarah Finnell, Joyce Weis, and David Miller. (MSP Paul, Sarah)
- Review and approve 2020 Budget, provisionally (MSP Dave, Jim)
- Dave’s new salary- We will pay Dave 50% of revenue generated. We will revisit this amount in 3 months – this is a provisional approval from the board with the plan to adjust as necessary. (MSP Joyce, Jim)
- Marylee & Alnise on employee salary schedule and proposed shift in pay (with potential increases)
- Committee reports as necessary:
- Fundraiser Update: Carhartts & Pearls date is shifting to May 1st or 2nd (no longer April)
- Building Committee: moving forward with replacing nosing on stairs in the shelter. Switching Clearwater door so it’s a code rather than a key. Dave says buy the highest quality version you can find (spare no expense- it will be worth it). Also- look into the technology using smartphones (might also include security software).
- Sunshine Committee: April is volunteer appreciation month! Please add to next month’s agenda a time to sign up to visit The Door during a volunteer’s shift, and bring them a treat sometime during the month of April.
- Next meeting: Wednesday, March 25th, 2020 5-7pm
- Adjourn at 7:06pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Finnell, FYA Board Secretary
I approve
I approve
Move to approve
I would like to add the comment that Dave meant to purchase the highest quality key pad for the door, not necessarily the most expensive.
With this correction, I would like to make the motion to accept the minutes.