Potential board member Mike O’Brien (former School Board member, lawyer at Alaska Legal Services, former parent of Sarah’s student)
Unfinished Business
Planning Meeting for Core Values, Strategic Plan, and Business plan- Propose Jim Williams meet with EDs Marylee and Alnise and any interested board members and bring the results to be approved by board before June (ED transition date)
Expanding Clearwater Counseling as a revenue stream.
ED Report – Annual Report Presentation by ED
Drake Street And YDHP Update
Signers on the bank accounts
Review and approve 2020 Budget
Financial review by treasurer
Dave’s salary adjustments and housing allowance
Marylee & Alnise on employee salary schedule and proposed shift in pay (with potential increases)
Committee reports as necessary:
Fundraiser Update, Mobile Dip Jars, and More
Building Committee
Sunshine Committee
Choose board self evals and plan to review at next meeting.