- Roll Call- Present: Patrick Endres; Marylee Bates; Alnise Wyles; Jim Williams; Sarah Finnell; Paul Alanson; Joyce Weis, Dave Miller joined 30 minutes late.
- Open in prayer by Paul.
- Welcome Morgan Lidell to join us (5:15pm)
- Mission Review:
- Q: What was the final result of our BHAP grant deficit from Governor Dunleavy’s latest decision? A: Gov. Dunleavy awarded 55%, but AKHFC increased that to 80%. That translates to a $40,000 cut in our grant funds. Q: When did that fiscal year start and end? A: July 1st- June 30th. Q: When does the fiscal year start and end for the ESG? A: July 1st-June 30th, but we are still waiting for that grant agreement to be finalized and returned before we can submit for reimbursements for utilities July through October.
- Accept October 2019 meeting minutes. (MSP: Joyce, Patrick)
- Signature items:
- Time sheets
- Thank you notes
- Unfinished business
- Mike O’Brien (former School Board member, lawyer at Alaska Legal Services, former parent of Sarah’s student) is potentially interested, and we should reach out to him in January. Sarah F., could you take this on? (Tabled for next meeting, so Sarah doesn’t forget and it doesn’t get lost)
- Ad Alnice as a signer to the bank accounts and remove Tami and Kelli. This will require all existing signers to update their information.
- Holiday gathering December 5th planning?
- Staff appreciation meal and gift cards. (Sarah will call Alnise for a head count and pizzas to order) December 5th, 5:30-6:30.
- Dip Jar
- Artisan’s Courtyard – Cheryl Deboard owner (Patrick will contact Cheryl)
- New Business:
- Because we should always hold a space for moving forward!
- YHDP Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project
- Unique grant because of three things: 1) youth need to be involved in the project planning; 2) stakeholders need to be involved- it’s not for one particular agency, but for an entire community; and 3) they don’t tell us what to do with the money.
- FYA has been participating in stakeholders meetings.
- Alnise and a youth have gone to Anchorage, and will be going to Juneau, to work on the planning process.
- Review our Annual Timeline and Agenda for the January annual meeting
- Please review our Annual Strategic Planning agenda/history on our board website under operations. http://www.fairbanksyouthadvocates.org/board/operations/annual-meeting/
- Review hard copy of Strategic Plan document, update as necessary.
- Dreaming: combo office! transitional housing?, staff housing? family meeting space!…..behind The Door on a current foundation. Brainstorming session for the needs of an additional building.
- Invite admin team for a portion of this meeting?
- Financials
- October 2019 Financial Summary
- Financial Reports
- October 2019 Financial Summary
- Ed Report
- Staffing (Hannah – moving to Anchorage, interns
- Public Information: current TV ads running were an anonymous donor
- Licensing
- ESG grant paperwork submitted
- Building issues this month:
- Water leaks, heat sensors, fire alarms and outside bell.
- Repairs needed: carpet/stairs, blinds, shelving, toilet seat
- Expanding Clearwater Counseling as a revenue stream. (unfinished business added to January meeting)
- Update on this process/progress
- Committee Reports as necessary
- Fundraising
- Building
- Public Information
- Update on volunteer to help build the digital newsletter (Joyce, did you mention that you could help with this?)
- The next newsletter will be shortened and sent out electronically due to time and resources.
- Design a small “thank you” sign to attach to the dip jars – postcard size (reminder for Patrick)
- Patrick Endres, Dave Miller, Dave Bates, Marylee Bates, and Sarah Finnell remain as signers, and Alnise Wyles is added to the Clearwater Counseling operating account at Alaska USA. (MSP: Joyce, Paul)
- Patrick Endres, Dave Miller, and Marylee Bates remain as signers on the Fairbanks Youth Advocates account at Alaska USA. Tamara Manning and Kelli Boyle are removed from the Fairbanks Youth Advocates account at Alaska USA. Sarah Finnell and Alnise Wyles are added to the Fairbanks Youth Advocates account at Alaska USA. (MSP: Paul, Joyce)
- Next meeting: No official board meeting in December.
- Dec 5, 5:00-5:30 Micro board meeting & sign cards for staff (bring cash to donate to Hannah if you’d like), Patrick will bring calendars for all 🙂
- 5:30-6:30pm Holiday Staff Appreciation Dinner. (clean up 6:30 to 7:00) 🙂
- Date for January Meeting: Saturday, January 18th, 2pm-6pm at Patrick’s house.
- Adjourn at 7:08
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Finnell, FYA Board Secretary
I second the motion.
I make a motion to accept the meeting minutes above from Wednesday, November 13, 2019.