- Roll Call- Present: Paul Alanson; Sarah Finnell; Marylee Bates; Joyce Weis. Absent: Dave Miller; Patrick Endres
- Open in prayer by Paul
- Mission Review:
- Review ED Position Job Description
- Accept August meeting minutes. (MSP: Joyce, Paul)
- Signature items:
- Time sheets
- Thank you notes
- ED Position
- Discuss Alnise Wyles application and interview question.
- Invite Alnise for an informal ‘get to know you’ at 6:00pm (see email sent to board members)
- Unfinished business
- Board Member potential
- Dr. Morgan Liddell: Expressed interest in volunteering for the board.
- Patrick sent email with application and board member responsibilities on 9/13.
- Jim Williams, Chief of Staff, FNSB Jim also attends 1st Presbyterian: Marylee met with Jim and he is interested, and has been invited to apply.
- Proposed payroll rate increases for direct service providers. We will re-visit and vote on this at the meeting in October.
- Dr. Morgan Liddell: Expressed interest in volunteering for the board.
- Dip Jar: No updates yet, let’s discuss at October meeting
- Patrick- REI and ACRC, to ask about putting one at the cafe in the hospital.
- Joyce- new pizza place (former College Coffeehouse), and the hospital foundation
- Dave- Sourdough Gas, 3 locations (new ownership?)
- Paul- Twigs/Starbucks in Airport
- Sarah- Hoodoo
- Marylee- rotating to different churches
- Board Member potential
- Financial Report
- The latest on Governor’s Budget and BHAP/ESG
- Financial Reports-
- In the future, please send reports one week in advance of meeting, so board members can review prior to the meeting.
- Request from the board is to have a 3 year comparison to review quarterly (17-18-19). Each month, we would like to see: 1) year-to-date statement of activity, 2) monthly statement of activity, 3) statement of financial position (bank balance sheet)
- Budget for 2020- Marylee is working on this
- Dip jar update currently at
- Auto Trim Design,
- Friends Church,
- Alaska Center for Natural Medicine, on Davis Rd. and
- Toy Quest. All set at $3.00 now.
- Design a small “thank you” sign to attach to the dip jars – postcard size (reminder for Patrick)
- Ed Report
- Kid update….
- From ‘shared position’ to an application. Next steps: Finalize job description online; 2-3 board members officially interview Alnise (Patrick, Paul, and Joyce?). Marylee will discuss nuts and bolts of job prior to the interview.
- Dave’s catch up pay was completed
- Advertising: TV? Anyone, Radio – $250 toward each, for month of September
- OHN update- so far up to $13,000 (and counting)
- YHDP Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project- see this link for exciting info regarding HUD funding for a new program in AK (and nation), and see the video embedded in the article.
- Drake Street Update- Big Street Construction are figuring out scope of work with the insurance adjuster, and we should have a
- Hydroponic Farm conversation (see this link– Marylee will update at next meeting).
- Committee Reports as necessary
- Sunshine: Review BBQ for staff- Thank you, DAVE, for making the food happen! Staff enjoyed it. Let’s do it again next year, earlier in the summer perhaps? Let’s discuss Open House in November at next meeting.
- Fundraising: Thanks to Joyce and Sarah for helping out at One Homeless Night
- Building: n/a
- Public Information (digital has yet to go out – we are trying to find someone….perhaps we need to just hire….?)
- After thinking this through, it did not make sense to curtail one of our strong venues for communicating our mission and soliciting donations. Patrick proposes that we continue the printed newsletter based on donations provoked from the most (and last) recent edition. One specific donor (who gave specifically because of the stories they read in the last printed newsletter) has agreed that part of their recent contribution be used to continue the newsletter.
- Next meeting:
- Wednesday, Oct 16, 5-7pm
- Adjourn at 7:09
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Finnell
Hi Everyone,
I know we talked about delaying a board vote on accepting the proposed pay scale for hourly only folks, and that is fine….we can take it up during the October meeting. However, I would like to propose that we take up a vote for the night shift only. I would like to propose that folks working the night shift (midnight to eight a.m.) make $1.00 more per hour than other shifts with similar direct service job description. This is for direct service workers only – those working nights. I would like your permission to make this change starting this pay period that began last Saturday. I think it would send a kind gesture and would be greatly appreciated and understood by others. This is also based on the difficulty we are having filling this position, as well as the scientific research that talks about how hard this shift is on personal health and well being. Thank you
Thanks everyone for following through with the meeting in light of a few absentee board members.