Discuss Alnise Wyles application and interview question.
Invite Alnise for an informal ‘get to know you’ at 6:00pm
Unfinished business
Board Member potential
Dr. Morgan Liddell: Expressed interest in volunteering for the board.
Patrick sent email with application and board member responsibilities on 9/13.
Jim Williams, Chief of Staff, FNSB Jim also attends 1st Presbyterian: Marylee report on your meeting with Jim.
Other board follow up ideas…
Proposed, payroll rate increase…..for direct service providers..
Dip Jar: Updates?
Patrick- REI and ACRC, to ask about putting one at the cafe in the hospital.
Joyce- new pizza place (former College Coffeehouse), and the hospital foundation
Dave- Sourdough Gas, 3 locations
Paul- Twigs/Starbucks in Airport
Sarah- Hoodoo
Marylee- rotating to different churches
Financial Report
The latest on Governor’s Budget and BHAP/ESG
Financial Reports
Budget for 2020?
Dip jar update currently at
Auto Trim Design,
Friends Church,
Alaska Center for Natural Medicine, on Davis Rd. and
Toy Quest. All set at $3.00 now.
Design a small “thank you” sign to attach to the dip jars – postcard size (reminder for Patrick)
Ed Report
Kid update….
From ‘shared position’ to an application? What’s next and why?
Dave’s catch up pay
Advertising: TV? Anyone, Radio – $250 toward each, for month of September
OHN update
YHDP Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project
Drake Street Update
Hydroponic Farm conversation
Committee Reports as necessary
Sunshine: Review BBQ for staff
Public Information (digital has yet to go out – we are trying to find someone….perhaps we need to just hire….?)
After thinking this through, it did not make sense to curtail one of our strong venues for communicating our mission and soliciting donations. Patrick proposes that we continue the printed newsletter based on donations provoked from the most (and last) recent edition. One specific donor (who gave specifically because of the stories they read in the last printed newsletter) has agreed that part of their recent contribution be used to continue the newsletter.