- Roll Call- Present: Paul Alanson; Patrick Endres; Sarah Finnell; Dave Miller; Marylee Bates; Joyce Weis
- Open in prayer by Paul
- Mission Review:
- What are the age and gender demographics for the youth at the door?
- Age: Of 63 total youth this year, we’ve had 16 18yo and 47 minors
- Race: 21 are white, 28 are AN/AI
- Gender: under 18 are majority girls; 18 are about 50% m/f
- A large number of the youth experience alcohol/drug use, mental health issues, and developmental delays. Staff are doing a lot of harm reduction work with youth so they may stay in the shelter and off the streets.
- What are the age and gender demographics for the youth at the door?
- Accept minutes from July meeting (MSP Patrick, Dave)
- Signature items:
- Time sheets
- Thank you cards from the board for Sheri and Evan Wheeler bought a dip jar for FYA to use to raise funds.
- Unfinished business
- Dave’s income update – Gregg is having a harder time figuring this out exactly. The formula is not as clear as it should be. We’ve gone over it a few times, but it is still confusing to him. I asked Dave to jump in and help look at QB with Gregg and I. We seem to have found the language to make this situation understandable. Gregg also is learning how to understand grant language.
- Financial Report
- Update on Governor’s Budget and BHAP- 55% of the Homeless services funding was restored and Alaska Housing informed FYA that they intend to award 80% of the expected BHAP funds ($37,000 less than usual).
- Dip jar acquisition and strategy for placement. 4 were purchased
- Logistics: set at any dollar value to $250, 17 cents every dip and 6% taken from the whole. A $5.00 donation returns $4.53
- Locations currently:
- 1 at Friends Church
- 1 planned to rotate amongst churches perhaps a month at a time?
- 1 planned to go to Automotive Concepts,
- Other places to reach out- be sure to ask if there’s a particular amount they would like to see (how much they think their customers will be likely to give in one transaction). Bring a photo of the dip jar to show them what it looks like
- Patrick- REI and ACRC, Foundation Health Partners to ask about putting one at the cafe in the hospital
- Joyce- new pizza place (former College Coffeehouse), and the hospital foundation
- Dave- Sourdough Gas, 3 locations
- Paul- Twigs/Starbucks in Airport
- Sarah- Hoodoo
- Marylee- rotating to different churches
- DipJar on our FB page – 27 shares! People want to see them in the community
- Design a small “thank you” sign to attach to the dip jars – postcard size
- Potential to purchase more in the future, based on how it goes.
- Brainstorm additional ways to communicate the fundraising campaign.
- Utilize current campaigns: radio, tv, flyers, social media, posters in community businesses and coffee shops? Marylee will put the texting ad back up on tv to get the word out to youth about the shelter, and it will also get the word out to adults who might donate.
- Focus on “partnering” with us for an annual commitment- rather than the one-time donations.
- Organize an open house in November (Homeless Youth Awareness Month) to kick-off fundraising campaign. Light snacks.
- Board development
- Potential future board membership list. Discuss our next step and time frame for engaging them.
- Dr. Morgan Liddell: Patrick will follow-up with Morgan after Marylee has connected with Jim…
- Jim Williams, Chief of Staff, FNSB Jim also attends 1st Presbyterian. Marylee will connect with Jim and invite him to the next board meeting.
- Patrick will connect with the manager at REI and see if there’s interest in board participation there.
- Potential future board membership list. Discuss our next step and time frame for engaging them.
- Next step in ED recruitment strategy.
- Possible agency shared position? (actually funders – grantors – love this idea because the language can be focused on working together…..etc.)- Marylee will discuss the idea with Brenda Stanfill, and then come up with a plan and speak with a potential candidate.
- Ed Report
- Kid Update:
- T & police – trespassed for 60 days
- OCS kids
- Staffing update:
- Building: Painted the front entry at The Door yellow
- Marylee:
- Lots of talking to community lately –
- Adjusting to doing more of the finances and working with Gregg
- Adjusting to part time – really trying to keep it under 30 hours/ week. When Marylee takes a day of leave, it will amount to 4 hours of leave.
- OHN update- Sarah and Joyce will be there to help set up and run registration and merchandise booth.
- Human Resources discussion:
- ED Evaluation summary
- Pay Scale for all staff
- BBQ- planned for Sunday, August 25th 4-6pm, grill and eat outside
- Kid Update:
- Discuss new tag line for our mission statement that more specifically reflects our current work and focus:
- Sheltering vulnerable youth in Fairbanks (Unanimously agreed)
- Committee Reports as necessary
- Sunshine:
- Fundraising:
- Building
- Public Information
- New donation interface is live on the website.
- Black and white newsletter was sent.
- Digital version for newsletter
- Next meeting: September 17th, 5-7pm
- Tuesday Men’s group starts up October 15th, so this is the last Tuesday until next summer
- Adjourn at 7:02pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Finnell
FYA Board Secretary