- Roll Call- Present: Patrick Endres; Marylee Bates; Sarah Finnell; Paul Alanson; Joyce Weis; Dave Miller. Absent: none
- Open in prayer by Marylee
- Mission Review: What is the amount of our BHAP funding? ~$189,000
- Accept minutes from May & June meeting (MSP Patrick, Paul)
- Potential Board Members: Morgan Liddel is interested in visiting a board meeting to see if he might like to join; Jim Williams (was Marylee’s point of contact with First Presbyterian at the time we used the church basement, and now is the Chief of Staff for the Borough Mayor).
- Signature items: Time sheets
- Thank you notes from the board cards for
- Deidre,
- Friends Community Church- 5k+,
- Wild Hearted Alaskan Men – (2500)
- Financial Report
- Update on Governor’s Budget and BHAP
- Discussion on ideas and direction:
- Start fundraising campaign to raise $189,000 in addition to usual giving- online portal
- Purchase 2 dip jars, to set up in businesses
- Use reserves of funding to keep us afloat for the next 6 months (without dipping into foundation funds or Yochem funds)
- Cut Marylee’s job to ½ time, and she takes on more of a mentor role to a leadership team of 3 staff who are already dividing Kelly’s duties, and are happy to take on different pieces of Marylee’s duties.
- Expand Clearwater Counseling by adding a third counselor to our office.
- Other future fundraising ideas: rolling dinner parties hosted by community members; target tourists staying in hotels; “sponsor a youth” by calculating cost for one night stay.
- Possibly in the future if all else fails, we might pull funds from ACF to keep our doors open for a temporary period of time.
- Discussion on ideas and direction:
- Dave’s income for the year was significantly more than prior years from January 1, 2019 through May 30, 2019: $19,000 over his salary for the first 5 months. FYA will calculate Dave’s income in excess of his salary for every 6-month period, and pay Dave 50% of those earnings (MSP Sarah; Patrick)
- Financial policy amendments accepted (MSP: Patrick, Dave)
- Marylee will close the Wedbush Morgan account, and transfer the balance ($20,715) into the Alaska USA account and Denali State Bank account, as needed to cover expenses (MSP Patrick, Dave).
- Update on Governor’s Budget and BHAP
- Ed Report
- Kid Update:
- This summer
- Staffing update:
- 132 is full first time since January: 3 men: Kevin, Marc and Miho (Meeho)
- 3 ladies in a leadership team that are amazing: Alnise, Macalaugh and Stacy – at The Door –
- BBQ ? The staff are asking for this……
- Counter offer for Marylee’s salary: 65,000 full time: 65,000x.75 = $48,750 – I am proposing that until further notice – I go ¾ time with a salary of $48,750.00
- Resolution: As of July 20, 2019, Marylee will work half-time and receive $32,500, which is half of the $65,000 annual salary raise.
- Leadership change pushback ‘timeline’ to December but still pursue a new ED -but wait to stabilize
- HR:Leave topics:
- Marylee’s timesheet ‘leave’ issues,
- New language for all staff
- Should we get a lock on oil tank in the back of 122? No.
- Question: Additional line item for budget requested: something like ‘Donor related expenses’ Or ?? for example – what are Thank you Notes to donors – ?are they advertising? Office supplies-paper? Put it into Marketing budget.
- Marylee’s Vacations coming up this fall
- September: 1 week vacation to Maine /parents
- November: 2 weeks vacation to Portugal
- Kid Update:
- OHN Discussion (Tabled for email discussion- or potential phone conference call)
- Committee Reports as necessary
- Sunshine:
- Fundraising:
- Carhartts and Pearls 2020, April 4, Pikes Waterfront Lodge, our 6th birthday
- Building
- Public Information
- New donation options for the website via a plugin that offers several better methods than the current Greater Giving. It costs $20 or $30 a month vs. $600 a year for Greater Giving.
- Next meeting: August 20 Tuesday?
- Topics tabled for next meeting:
- ED Evaluation summary (tabled for next meeting)
- OHN Discussion
- Meeting Adjourned at 7:03pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Finnell