- 4:35pm Roll Call- Present: Joyce, Paul, Patrick, Marylee, Sarah. Absent: Dave Miller
- Accept November meeting minutes (MSP Joyce, Paul)
- Open in prayer by Joyce
- Signature
- Timesheets
- The year in Review & Discuss year end statistics
- 114 individual youth jan 1-dec 31 2018. Probably equal to last year. Don’t have demographics yet
- Clearwater Counseling growth & success
- Total revenue from Clearwater was $245,454.
- We hired a second counselor (licensed & credentialed) who brought in $13,000 in just 2 months (roughly $6500 went to The Door). Another second counselor (licensed, but not credentialed) brought in $7,000 ($3500 for The Door)- she also works full-time at TCC.
- Resolved billing issues, and were able to run $30,000 through our own process and avoided paying 11% to billers.
- Overall, we have taken some really good baby steps to set a good foundation for future growth with Clearwater Counseling.
- See Bookkeeper’s Report for 2018 Year in Review. Notes:
- Increased income in many categories
- increased expenses in utilities, shelter food & services (outreach and youth development activities are part of this and we got a grant to pay for it), total FYA office operations, payroll/stipend/tuition because of CityVision Intern.
- Net income: +$67,156 which is $86,500 more than 2017
- The difference between Dave Bates’ salary and the income he generated at Clearwater Counseling in 2018 is $16,048.
- In order to be consistent with industry standards (typically, a counselor receives 50% of the net revenue s/he brought into a counseling office), FYA will pay Dave Bates $8,024 so that he is paid 50% of the net revenue he brought in to Clearwater Counseling in 2018. (MSP Patrick, Paul).
- In the future, the former motion will become an equation used annually to calculate year-end salary adjustment for Dave Bates. (MSP Patrick, Joyce)
- We will need to consider this issue with future counselors as Dave moves on.
- Establish ED Directives for 2019
- Develop a Housing First Transitional Aged Youth project.
- Grow Clearwater Counseling.
- Reconsider staffing structure to account for unexpected absences at the management level. Create a sustainable staffing plan. (Marylee needs two right-hand people, not just one. Kelly also needs two right-hand people).
- Approve Financial Policies: All of the changes discussed for the financial policies are updated by Marylee. The Board accepts these changes. (MSP, Patrick, Paul)
- The following items are tabled for the February meeting:
- Review core values and purpose
- Review Annual Schedule
- Set Short term goals for 2019
- The next meeting will be Monday, February 11th, 5pm-7pm
Submitted by Sarah Finnell
Board Secretary