- Roll Call- Present: Patrick Endres; Marylee Bates; Joyce Weis; Diedre Larson; Dave Miller; Paul Dick; Sarah Finnell. None absent
- Open in prayer by Joyce
- Welcome/introduce Rodney Gaskins- Marylee told the story of how Rodney & Fairbanks Rescue Mission has supported FYA for the past 5 years.
- Mission Review:
- Board member contact information update on the website
- Accept minutes from October meeting (MSP Paul, Dave)
- Signature
- Timesheets
- Financial Report w/ Deidre
- Quick review of budget updates (see recent post on website)
- Voted to pass the 2019 budget (MSP Patrick, Dave, unanimously passed)
- Ed Report
- Coordinated Entry System (CES) – update
- House Hunting – Transitional Age Youth Program
- Discussion about what that would look like: There is funding for operations, building, and other components (not necessarily funding for purchasing a house)
- Program in Wasilla- 4 bedroom apt. 1 apt is free to youth mentor and other 3 are leased to “higher-risk” youth
- Programs elsewhere more like Housing First with more freedoms, but having daily communication to support and check-in. Plans built-in for failing, but waiting for them to ask for help.
- Primarily for 18-21 year olds. HUD money is for 18-24 year olds. Vulnerability index determines eligibility, as well as community discussion from Coordinated Entry System programs.
- HUD has rural funding they would like to spend in Fairbanks.
- Adult programs have different regulations- no longer “residential childcare facilities”
- Feedback for Marylee about this type of program: Patrick- super necessary and great idea, what are our resources and how will we manage it? What’s our grant-based support and how will we fund this? Joyce- Sounds great, do we have the manpower and funding to do it? Dave- We’re a long ways away from having enough info to make any decisions. Is it sustainable financially? Sarah- do we have the energy to support a new program? Go for it, if you feel it’s possible. Paul- it’s worth exploring more
- Staff update
- Discussion about what that would look like: There is funding for operations, building, and other components (not necessarily funding for purchasing a house)
- Staff Appreciation time on Nov 29: (6-7pm, pizza, and GF pizza & beverages). Joyce will pick up Barnes & Noble gift cards ($30 for each staff member) and cups & plates, Patrick will pick up pizza. Marylee will order pizza and pick up beverages, and bring cups, plates, and napkins.
- Finalize January mini retreat agenda items. Patrick will follow-up via email (include transitional age youth project)
- Committee Reports as necessary
- Sunshine: Thank you for staff appreciation support
- Fundraising: Gala Update? Here or in my report? (Marylee will send an email update. Joyce would like to join the planning group)
- Management and Board Development – Foraker Powerpoint (tabled for next meeting)
- Next meeting: Mini Board retreat – Tuesday, January 15, 4:30pm at Patrick’s house: 2923 Moose Mountain Road. He is cooking dinner
- Adjourn meeting at 6:58pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Finnell