- Roll Call- Present: Patrick Endres; Marylee Bates; Joyce Weis; Paul Dick; Deidre Larson joined for the first part of the meeting. Absent: Dave Miller
- Open in prayer by Paul
- Welcome Joyce to the Board
- Mission Review:
- What is our budget cycle? – from when to when? Answer: Calendar year, January to December.
- Accept minutes from September meeting (MSP Patrick, Paul)
- Finance Report to the board – from Deidre
- Bookkeeper’s Report will be shared with board members in a Google Drive folder for reference and updated each month to view at board meetings.
- Projected tentative 2019 budget
- Paul and Joyce will meet with Marylee next week (10/24), and Deidre the week after (10/31) to learn more about financials.
- Signature
- Time sheets
- Thank you cards:
- Brad for doing our taxes
- Barnes & Noble -Nicole Galagan
- Community Business Development Manager
- Barnes & Noble 2235
- ED Report
- Committee Reports as necessary
- Sunshine: Winter Staff appreciation party? Thursday, November 29th? Marylee will check with staff and get back to us.
- Fundraising:
- Expectation of Board members for April 27th Gala, “Carhartts & Pearls” Please be there. It’s an evening event (time TBA) and we will have board members at the door and around the event to socialize and meet guests. Marylee is working with Mammoth Media about putting together an educational 2-3 minute video to show.
- Next meeting: Nov 14, Wednesday, 5:00-7:00pm
- Adjourn at 6:45pm
Respectfully submitted by Sarah Finnell, Secretary of the board
Confirm the time for that again?
Either 5:30 – 6:30 or 6-7, whatever the board chooses.
I work till 6 that day but can come after.
Sunshine: Winter Staff appreciation party? Thursday, November 29th? Marylee will check with staff and get back to us.
Staff confirm YES to Thursday the 29th of November. Due to Food allergies (fish sauce) the unanimous request is pizza (1 GF) and Laurie Miller’s chocolate cake 🙂