- Roll Call- Present: Patrick Endres; Marylee Bates; Dave Miller; Sarah Finnell. Absent: Paul Dick. Potential new board member, Joyce Weis, visiting.
- Open in prayer by Marylee
- Mission Review: Operating budget- most non-profits have a budget or finance committee that meets once a month to review financial statements. The board treasurer would then bring financial statements to the board meetings. We need to rekindle this practice somehow!
- Accept minutes from August meeting (MSP Patrick, Dave)
- Signature
- Timesheets signed
- Discuss Joyce’s board application, have her attend the meeting at 4:45pm.
- Voted unanimously to approve Joyce’s application and invite her onto the board. Note: Paul Dick submitted his approval via email to Patrick Endres.
- Unfinished Business
- Donor Dedication decision. The park will be named something interesting. We’ll also put a plaque on the gazebo with words honoring the Yochem requests for recognition. Something like: “in memory of Don & Lois Yochem, who wanted to enrich the lives of young people in Fairbanks.” We will also need to honor the Franclar foundation. Marylee will come up with the wording for the plaque, and will bring it to the next board meeting, or post it on the website for voting.
- Employee Medical Contribution: The easy way to do this is to give employees the $200 as a taxable fringe benefit and hope they use it on medical expenses. Possible language for employee contract: Once you’ve been working here for 6 months, there is a medical fund up to $200 per year that you may use for health and wellness. Marylee will talk with Diedre about how to distribute and track these funds. Marylee and Diedre will create a form that employees will fill out to request funds. On the form, include language that gives context as to why this benefit has become available (in response to requests for health support, etc). Dave moved to approve that FYA offers $200 per year as a taxable fringe benefit to employees for the purposes of wellness expenses (MSP Dave, Patrick).
- ED Report-
- Marylee would like us to be more intentional about budget and budget routines. She is recommending that Deidre attend the first 20-30 minutes of each meeting, to education and answer questions. This might include the following:
- Cash Flow Statement
- Balance Sheet
- Budget to Actual Quarterly
- Other financials the board would request
- Finance Reports- See the meeting agenda for the documents listed below
- Marylee’s recommendation: be more intentional about orientation for new board members
- Pre board: meet, application, references, meet, decision
- Step 1, intro to web platform (Patrick)
- Step 2 intro to ‘responsibilities as a board member’ (marylee – Foraker powerpoint)
- Step 3 finances (Deidre//Marylee – Foraker powerpoint)
- Budget needs coming up to consider
- No more VISTA after February
- ED position should be more competitive
- House Parent stipend is incredibly small- $300/mo, food, room, and bus pass. The agreement with CityVision is to keep payment low, but we can increase it a bit.
- Revisit core values and mission–are we really facilitating life transitions?
- Marylee would like us to be more intentional about budget and budget routines. She is recommending that Deidre attend the first 20-30 minutes of each meeting, to education and answer questions. This might include the following:
- Review tax-related documents per the request of accountant Brad Johnston
- Committee Reports as necessary
- Next meeting: October 17, Wednesday 5-7pm
- Adjourn meeting at 6:28pm