Mission Review: ACF Funds and tour the clothing closet
Accept minutes from April meeting
Unfinished Business
ED review and discussion
Board Recruitment: Read this short article that offers a few suggestions for reaching out to other organizations, churches, etc., to offer an invite/appeal to join a board.
Open house, May 19th, 3:00 – 5:30 update
Please plan to come either a ½ hr early or stay ½ hr later to clean up
Discuss the next step in property development progress
ED Report
Committee Reports
Public Information – Patrick
Newsletter sent out. Are all of the board members getting the electronic version and printed version? This has largely been a creation by Marylee and Patrick but the board members are very welcome to offer suggestions and/or guidance on future topics, tone, voice, etc. Right now, it goes out about 3-4 times a year. The next one will be before One Homeless Night, targeted toward promoting that event.
Alaska Community Funds are now active and links can be found on the FYA website. We received a $1000 donation already to the Endowment Fund (Keep the Doors Open) from the recent Newsletter!
Fundraising – Marylee
Credit Union 1 Fundraiser details June 14th, 5-8: 00 p.m.
April Gala
Sunshine – Sarah
Update on Volunteer appreciation, coffee cards, invites to the Open House.