- Roll call: Present: Patrick Endres; Tami Manning; Sarah Finnell; Dave Miller
- Open in prayer by Tami
- Mission Review
- How much is our current budget? Approximately – what percentage of the budget is for personnel? Our annual budget is just under $500,000. The shelter alone is close to $399,000.
- Marylee is going to calculate how much of Clearwater is being used by The Door (percentage of square feet) so we can separate out the expenses of The Door when applying for grants in the future. Some expenses are very tied up with Clearwater because at times personnel working at Clearwater will respond to questions for both Clearwater and The Door.
- Accept minutes from July 2017 meeting (MSP: Patrick, Tami)
- Signature items
- Timesheet
- ED Report
- Shelter Numbers: We had 116 youth in 2016, 81 of which were 13-17 years old. Length of stay: 53% stay less than a week, 63% stay less than 2 weeks, 93% stay less than 60 days. 44 went back to permanent destination, 25 went to temporary destination, 15 went to different institutions (mostly PHH, some Northstar, or Boys & Girls Home, Foster Care), Sarah asked about how LGBTQ kids are tracked. There is a question on the intake form regarding gender identity, but not regarding sexuality. Marylee reported that while we serve youth who identify as LGBTQ, very few report that as the reason for being kicked out of their house.
- BHAP is in motion
- Mayor’s March & One Homeless Night: Please look at the website for information and let Marylee know if there is something to clarify/fix/train. The walk will be 8 miles, starting at North Pole City Hall and ending at Badger Rd. Busses will pick people up there and dropping them at FNA to continue the walk to FYA. The walk starts at 1pm. Mayor Matherly will be DJ on the bus and then spending the night. Board members should share the event on Facebook and also help with registration or t-shirt sales at the event on September 9th.
- National School Lunch Program Report: Marylee has decided to let go of this program due to too many regulations and not enough reimbursement for it to be worth our time.
- House Parent- On September 1st, Brian Picket will be joining us as a house parent for $300/month in addition to $700 tuition three times a year (an online program through the City Vision program through which we hired him). There are a couple of other possibilities for other house parents.
- Saltchuck & Positive Youth Development: Marylee will be working on writing the application for this project.
- Clearwater Counseling:
- EMR (Electronic Medical Records) program going very nicely
- Clients & Military Source One and TriCare: we’re still working through challenges with billing
- Cash Flow: There has been a discrepancy between our bank account and billing reports. The reports from our bank are not matching up with reports from our billing specialist and Marylee is going to ask her to switch to a different system that is simpler and will hopefully streamline the numbers.
- UAF Psychology graduates may be possibilities for filling a second counselor position
- We are in a far stronger place than we’ve been in the past, despite the fact that we are in a negative cash flow. We have not transferred money from Clearwater this year, whereas in the past we’ve transferred up to $50,000.
- Board Recruitment follow up:
- Marylee shared a board membership packet including: FYA brochure; Board Member Guiding Principles & Beliefs; Board Responsibilities, Code of Ethics & Job Descriptions; a copy of our latest newsletter; and a Board Application. Board members and Marylee will keep these packets on hand to distribute to potential interested new board members.
- Board members will seek out prospective board members and see if we could get enough interest to plan an informative meeting.
- Investment/Endowment options with the Alaska Community Foundation:
- We qualify for an “Agency Fund” which can be Endowment or a Non-endowment. Patrick will call and arrange a time to connect and ask more questions to figure out what our best plan would be.
- The Nonprofit Marketing Guide (This book may serve as a guide in helping us define a long term marketing plan)
- Marylee will discuss this with the VISTA and explore ways to initiate a long term marketing plan.
- Sarah nominated as Secretary of the Board (MSP: Patrick, Dave)
- Next Meeting Date: Tuesday September 19
- Adjourn at 7:02
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3 (B)”Marylee is going to calculate how much of Clearwater is being used by The Door (percentage of square feet) so we can separate out the expenses of The Door when applying for grants in the future.” (there are no grants that require this at the time….i’m remembering that the board was curious about this)
Suggested Change to:
The board asked Marylee to calculate how much of FYA/Clearwater is being used by FYA/The Door (percentage of square feet).
6 (A) How to add a correction on my part. I missed this date the first look at the report before the meeting. The 116 is for the BHAP fiscal year running July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. That’s why the discrepancy between 95 and 116.
(E) Brian Picket will be joining us as a house parent for $300/month in addition to $700 tuition three times a year – change to
Brian Picket will be joining us as a house parent for $300/month in addition to $700 tuition five times a year. He will be on the schedule for 29 hours a week. A huge cost savings.
Thanks Sarah, nice job.