- Roll call
- Present – Patrick Endres, Sarah Finnell, David Miller, Jim McDermott, Tami Manning, Rodney Gaskins, Heidi Bryan, Marylee Bates
- Absent – None
- Open in prayer by Rodney Gaskins
- Christina Cortez-Bannick
- Presentation to the board about possible directions to explore regarding a social enterprise concept. See uploaded presentation on board website.
- FYA review (tabled for another meeting due to time)
- Are we licensed? what as? and who license us?
- Quick review of the Board Website
- Accept minutes from August 2016 meeting
- MSP (Patrick, Sarah) to accept the minutes from August.
- Signature items
- Board members signed a card for former volunteer maintenance man, Jeff Pierson.
- Unfinished Business (Discussed during the ED report)
- Re-evaluating the shelter staffing model
- Secretary position in light of Tami’s upcoming absence and resignation.
- MSP (Patrick, Tami) Nominate Heidi to replace Tami for the office of secretary.
- Liz Fabian and Barbara Tyndall have resigned and will need to be removed as signers on this account.
- MSP (Tami, Sarah, all ayes) Add signers to the FYA Bank account: Patrick Endres, David Miller, Sarah Finnell, Kelly Boyle, and Tami Manning; remove signers Liz Fabian and Barbara Tyndall.
- Discussion about FYA Campus wide Conceal and Carry Policy
- Discussed the requirement that firearms are not permitted in the Door but do not at this time find it necessary to create an FYA campus wide policy.
- Dave Miller suggested item be tabled, it was agreed.
- Investments/Endowments
- Please read through the FAQ’s about setting up an endowment prior to the board meeting: http://alaskacf.org/agency-funds-faq/
- Wedbush Securities? Money-Markets? How to use our money?
- Create a committee, check financial policies, David Miller, Jim McDermott and Tami are willing to be on a committee (Wells Fargo, Mac Federal Credit Union) and participate in a meeting with a financial advisor to explore how to invest the money in the current Wedbush account.
- ED report
- Reports
- Fundraising
- OHN update
- Rodney Gaskins suggested to talk to Karen (Superintendent) about participation in next year’s OHN event, as a means of growing that fundraiser.
- Public Information
- Property updates
- Greenspace completion
- Fundraising
- Next Meeting, Wed. October 26, 2016
- Adjourn 7:02Pm
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Where exactly is Christina’s presentation located on this site?
Thank you
Found it! – Under Operations –