- Roll call- Present: Patrick Endres; Sarah Finnell; Tami Manning (via phone); Dave Miller; Heidi Bryan (guest). Absent: Barb Tyndall; Liz Fabian.
- Open in prayer by Patrick
- Introduce Heidi Bryan (board member applicant)
- Q&A with Heidi
- Signature items
- Sign card for Chick Wallace thanking him for his time on the board (card at the office to sign)
- Sign letter to send to trustees of FRAN CLAR Foundation
- Send a card to Meryem- (card at the office to sign)
- Building Maintenance
- Furnace upgrades at Clearwater. FYA-ek We received a bid from Rocky’s Heating Service to replace the furnace. A year ago, when doing the inspection, the technician from Rocky’s had seen the furnace and said he was worried that it wouldn’t last. They cleaned it and it worked fine for the past year. He asked if we’d be interested in upgrading the furnace and if he could put in a bid to replace it. Dave Miller has looked at the furnace and does not see the signs of imminent danger or failing. Considering that it is not causing us problems, it is still working, and it is not dangerous, we will wait on this upgrade and revisit this idea at a later date, as needed.
- Director’s Report: see Marylee’s report for June on the board website
- The board meeting reached a quorum at 5:45pm when Dave Miller arrived
- Wedbush Investment Opportunities Fbk Youth Adv CD ladder 1 16.0622 & Fbk Youth Adv CD ladder 2 16.0622 : we discussed what should be done with our funds in the Wedbush account. We need to look at our policies and see what the language allows us to do (Marylee will review these. Patrick thinks we cut out all language regarding large endowments). Marylee will seek counsel about how we can manage these funds, similar to other non-profits, so we are not losing money.
- Discuss Heidi Bryan’s application: Board Accepts Heidi Bryan with a unanimous vote.
- Accept minutes from May 2016 meeting- Patrick moved to accept May’s minutes. Sarah seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- Unfinished Business
- Hear from Marylee about job positions to lighten her load: Diedre is excited to take on extra assistant responsibilities within her work time. This has been very helpful to Marylee in clearing out miscellaneous, minor responsibilities (phone calls, jammed printer, office organizing, etc). One more position that would be really helpful would be a receptionist to take care of phone calls (sometimes the phones are ringing off the hook, other times they are not ringing all day- so this person would need another “job” to keep them busy on slow days). Potentially an answering-service or a number-system that gives options for different needs of callers (emergency- press 1; donations- press 2; speak with…, etc).
- Reports
- Latest Financial Report
- Fundraising (detailed info in Marylee’s Director Report)
- Report on Faith Walk
- One Homeless Night progress
- Garage Sale report
- Public Information
- Property updates
- Review Greenspace architect plan (see campus plan page on board website).
- Sunshine
- Staff/Volunteer appreciation report: Staff reported to Marylee that they enjoyed the event.
- FYA review
- Who is the group helping and what is happening in the greenspace? Did we get any grants for this? How are the expenses being covered? (See ED Report for detailed info about this project) It is a small church group from all over the US who have been to Haiti and other areas. This week they are from California, next week they might be from somewhere else. We provide food, otherwise, they take care of everything.
- Schedule next meeting. We are off during July. Wednesday, August 24th 5-7pm
- Meeting Adjourned at 6:56pm
Respectfully Submitted, Sarah Finnell
Just a suggestion regarding the discussion about investments …. I think there should be some language to reflect that the board seemed interested in knowing how much risk was appropriate or as best practice for a NFP.
Thank you Tami, the rest looks fine to me.