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- Roll call
- Open in prayer
- Introduce Heidi Bryan (board member applicant)
- Q&A with Heidi
- FYA review
- 1 idea: Who is the group helping and what is happening in the greenspace? Did we get any grants for this? How are the expenses being covered?
- Accept minutes from May 2016 meeting
- Signature items
- Sign card for Chick Wallace thanking him for his time on the board
- Sign letter to send to trustees of FRAN CLAR Foundation
- Send a card to Meryem?
- Building Maintenance
- Furnace upgrades at Clearwater. FYA-ek
- Unfinished Business
- Hear from Marylee about job positions to lighten her load.
- ED Report
- Discuss Heidi Bryan’s application
- Wedbush Investment Opportunities Fbk Youth Adv CD ladder 1 16.0622 & Fbk Youth Adv CD ladder 2 16.0622
- Reports
- Latest Financial Report
- Fundraising
- Report on Faith Walk
- One Homeless Night progress
- Garage Sale report
- Public Information
- Property updates
- Review Greenspace architect plan (see campus plan page on board website.
- Sunshine
- Staff/Volunteer appreciation report
- Schedule next meeting. We are off during July. August 23 or 24?
- Adjourn
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