Accept minutes from April 2016 meeting: Patrick motioned to accept minutes. Liz seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Signature items
We passed around two cards to sign card for Donors
One card for a Capital Improvement Donation from FRAN-CLAR Foundation- $100,000 to “purchase adjacent property on 8th Avenue for facility expansion.”)
Second card for Alaska Resources and Environmental Services owned by Lyle & Ilene Gresehover- donated $6431.75 of work done last summer.
Liz moved that we put the $100,000 from FRAN-CLAR into the Wedbush account for use at a later time. When we acquire the new property using these funds, we will put a permanent display or recognition to the FRAN-CLAR Foundation for this contribution. Barb seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Patrick will add to our campus plan- a thank you/acknowledgement system for substantial donors. Patrick and Sarah S. will be re-visiting our “donor page” on our website.
Unfinished Business
Update on financial meeting about the final amount of bonus for Dave Bate’s salary: See “Dave’s Final 2015 Bonus” document on board website. Dave Miller moved to approve an additional $19,580.88 payment to Dave Bates as his bonus for 2015. Patrick seconded the motion and noted that we have already agreed to moving forward with this plan in January. Motion passed.
ED report (see report on board website)
Shelter Use/ 2016 vs 2015- overall, our numbers are up from 2015 (already at 52 different youth since Jan 1st. In 2015 we had 74 different youth and our bed utilization is at 63%, which is unprecedented).
Staff Updates:
Marylee requested an increase to the House Parent Stipend from $1,000 up to $1, 200 or $1,350. Sarah moved that we raise the House Parent stipend up to $1350 per month. Dave seconded. Motion passed.
Marylee requested a computer for Sarah Smith. Patrick moved that funds be made available for Marylee to purchase a computer for Sarah Smith. Dave seconded. Motion passed.
Marylee will start advertising for open board positions.
Events and news
Faithwalk this Saturday, May 28th. A planning meeting will take place at the Carlson Center on Thursday at 6pm. Patrick, Sarah, Liz, and Tami will help out on Saturday morning.
Flint Hills Golf event on July 8th- Liz will make an appearance.
Financial (Liz)
Latest Financial Report (see report on board website): it’s now clearer to see the Clearwater Counseling money transfer.
Patrick, Liz, Marylee, Diedre and Kathy met on May 13 for a few hours to discuss the book keeping and billing process of Clearwater, in order to better understand and communicate about financial matters. It was a valuable and informative meeting for all present.
Public Information
Discuss committee volunteers
Heidi Bryan: Sarah is planning on meeting with her on Thursday or Friday over lunch to get a sense of who she is and how she can get involved.
Property (See ED Report)
White House demo and contaminated update.
Green space development: Marylee
Staff/Volunteer appreciation: June 8, 2016 at 5:30pm. Board members arrive at 5pm to set up and start cooking. Plan for 30 people. Volunteers, staff, and families all invited. Board members bring side dish. Let Tami know what you’re bringing.