We are working on the BHAP/ESG grant for this coming year. Every year we need a resolution from the board. Please read the following and if you agree, please respond to this post, in your name. When the majority approves – I will put in that date. Thank you.
WHEREAS, each year in the Interior of Alaska, there are hundreds of youth without safe shelter, and more than 100 youth reported as runaway, lacking access to resources to meet their basic needs and support to find stable, appropriate housing and because there are currently no shelters designed to specifically meet the needs of runaway, abandoned, and homeless youth in the Interior,
WHEREAS, The Door: Emergency Shelter for Runaway and Homeless Youth is established to meet this gap in services by providing safe shelter, basic needs, supervision, counseling and mediation support for runaway and homeless youth with a goal of family reunification as possible,
WHEREAS, through the implementation of Homeless Assistance Program (BHAP) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds, Fairbanks Youth Advocates will staff and operate The Door: emergency shelter for runaway and homeless youth.
WHEREAS, if awarded, the applicant, Fairbanks Youth Advocates will enter into an agreement with Alaska Housing Finance Commission for implementation of said grant.
That the Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board of Directors authorizes the submittal of a grant application to the Alaska Housing Finance Commission, and all documents to secure grant funds and implement the approved grant project.
ADOPTED this 13th day of May, 2016 by Fairbanks Youth Advocates. Board of Directors.
Thank you Everyone!!!!
I approve this resolution.
I agree, Dave Miller
I also agree, Liz Fabian
I agree, Sarah Finnell
I agree with this resolution. Tami Manning. Board Secretary
I approve this resolution.
Patrick Endres, Board President.