Roll call- Present: Marylee Bates, Patrick Endres, Sarah Finnell, Liz Fabian, Tami Manning Absent: Chick Wallace, Barb Tyndall, Dave Miller
Open in prayer by Tami
Meet the new VISTA – Christina for a few minutes.
Mission review
Review Board Member Expectations Document (find on our website under “Shared Docs & Stuff” on right side of page)
Review Property Status (link at top of website- you can see visuals showing a satellite view of properties and a google map with description of what we own/don’t own yet)
Review Constituency Statistics (check out this document- full of very interesting stats on our clients. This is a working document and Patrick is still tweaking it).
Accept minutes from February 2016 meeting: No changes needed for February minutes. Patrick motioned to accept the minutes, Tami seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Signature items
Unfinished Business
The latest on the White house, 126 10th Ave: $36,015 to demolish this building. We approved of this last year, but are now moving forward with the work in the next week. Some of the work is free. There may be work that needs to be done on the soil, which we won’t know until they find it.We are looking at a few different ideas for transforming that space in June (we have two weeks of free labor coming). Marylee hopes to bring us some ideas in April.
Revisit the resolution made during the last meeting about Dave Bates’ Bonus- This needs to be re assessed based on some figures that were used to calculate this bonus have changed because of changes made in Quickbooks. Liz received a new set of numbers from Kathy. Based on our conversation in January and the numbers we saw from Quickbooks at the time, we decided to give Dave a $10,000 bonus for his work and revenue. Based on the new set of numbers from Kathy, that number would add another $20,000 to his bonus. We need clear figures so we can make a fair decision. We need to have a discussion with Kathy, the bookkeeper, Dave, and any other board members that want to be a part of it.Discussed avoiding this confusion in the future by keeping all documents at Marylee’s office rather than having Kathy keep her own records. A subcommittee including Patrick, Marylee, Liz, Dave, and Kathy will meet to figure out the numbers. We will get a report at the next meeting and make further decisions.
Board Member Volunteer hours: Decided that we only use this information for taxes, so we now will add an item to our November and March “to do list”- we will estimate our monthly hours for the year to use on tax forms.
Marylee shared 2 stories with us. One story was a youth who stayed for about a month before being placed at PHH. He said he would runaway, back to FYA where they would adopt him. FYA staff had to call and let him know that was not going to happen for him. Another youth has been staying off-and-on. Has now been with us for about a week, but he assaulted another youth in the shelter recently and had to leave for a couple of days. When Marylee called OCS to tell them what happened, she learned that he has been in the state’s custody all over the place and in 33 different “homes” throughout his life.
Summer VISTA Plans- Outreach focus.
Personnel Updates:
A budget approval is needed to support the Shelter Manager position held by Kelli Boyle – 32 hours/wk. (Postponed this decision until Marylee has a clearer plan for this)
Bookkeeper: Deidre Larson
Reaching Kids: Outreach
Reaching Parents- working on first draft of Parent Brochure to mail parents if kids show up.
Review Conflict of Interest Policy: Excerpt Taken from Item #10 of the Board Expectations Document
Patrick stated that he received a check from FYA for the photos on display in the counseling lobby, but the check was less than the cost to frame the photos, so it was not a benefit to him. Tami stated that Kathy, the bookkeeper, is her sister-in-law. Marylee stated that her husband is the counselor.
Avoid situations that could result in a business, professional, or personal conflict of interest. (A generally accepted rule of thumb is that a board member or his/her family members may not receive any gain–tangible or intangible–through the connection with the board. Members must avoid any situation in which their loyalty may be divided, and promptly disclose any situation where an actual or potential conflict may exist).
There must be no self dealing or any conduct of private business or personal services between any board member and any client or volunteer except as procedurally controlled to assure openness and competitive opportunity.
Board members must not use their positions to obtain employment for themselves, family members, or close associates. Should a member of the board desire employment, he or she must resign from the board prior to asking to be considered for a position.
Members will disclose their involvement with other organizations, with vendors, or with any other associations that might produce a conflict.
When the board is to decide upon an issue about which a board member has an unavoidable conflict of interest, that member shall absent herself or himself without comment from not only the vote but also from the deliberation.
Reviewed and made minor changes to ED 360 and ED Self Evals
ED 360 Evaluation
ED Self Evaluation (due April 15)
Board Self Evals (sent via email, due by April 15)
Board ED Eval (sent via email, due by April 15)
Financial (Liz): No financial report. The profit/loss will be discussed at the committee meeting mentioned in 7b- unfinished business.
Clarification on Profit/Loss and Clearwater
Excerpt from Financial Policies:
“Donors are recorded in a spreadsheet noting their contribution method, amount & address. The same information is entered into QuickBooks upon recording the donation.”