- Roll Call- Present: Meryem Kugzruk, Tami Manning, Patrick Endres, Sarah Finnell, Liz Fabian, Marylee Bates. Absent: Barb Tyndall, Chick Wallace, Dave Miller
- Open in prayer by Meryem
- Patrick moved to accept minutes from September 2015 meeting. Meryem seconds motion. Approved unanimously.
- Signature Items (tabled as unfinished business)
- Financial Report – Liz, see report online
- Liz will look into historical data for the transfers from Clearwater- ensure that the transfers are accurate ($100K for the year seemed high).
- Discussion of how we will pay for the cost of the remodel to the Clearwater Counseling building. Led to discussion of how utilities are paid for the space and whether CC should pay rent to FYA? Marylee proposes that we split the fuel bill 50% between CC and FYA. CC pays 75% of electric. CC pays 100% of water and septic (needs to be discussed with Arlys and Dave B.). No decisions were made. The cost of the remodel for the Clearwater Counseling building had not been transferred into FYA’s account. Liz moved to transfer the total cost of the remodel for 122 10th Ave from the Wedbush account (the bequest) into FYA’s checking account. Patrick seconded the motion. The motion passed.
- Marylee requested that as of November 1st, 132 10th Ave will officially become Fairbanks Youth Advocates’ administrative office. The board approves.
- OHN Debrief (OHN Committee)
- Younger crowd (mostly middle schooler)
- $6,500 raised
- 35-37 participants
- Crazy: one week before event there were just a few participants. In the last 24 hours people registered.
- What we need: adults who will challenge each other and participate (there is a group of principals in CO who are challenging each other to sleep out and raise money for kids). Meryem mentioned that considering how this whole event got started (for kids), it is difficult to broaden the participant group.
- Director’s Brief:
- Janelle has officially resigned her position as of 10/15. She has stayed on in a different capacity: Family and Community Liaison. She’s doing data entry and much of what she was doing before, without the staff management.
- We are still looking for a house parent. Position is listed on our website.
- I have invited a tenant to move in (no exchange of money) to the basement of 132. We are hoping this helps with keeping pipes from freezing and she is volunteering at The Door as well. Her background check is clear. We have a room agreement.
- The counseling office is finished but unfurnished. We have 3 counselors working for us at this time and that will become 4 very soon. Dave Bates moved in to 122 10th Ave in October.
- Dave Bates, LPC
- Cassey St. Rose, LPC
- Mike Kolassa, Master’s Level Clinician
- Angela Jones, Master’s Level Clinician
- Update on bids for decommission of white house:
- Marylee is waiting on a second bid from CEI- (no response as of 10/26, may revisit later)
- Marylee asked R & D to revisit initial bid ($36,000) Marylee talked to R&D who said it would cost another $10,000 for removing this season. Marylee asked that we get on their list for first thing in May. She is requesting that Dave Miller analyze whether the foundation needs to be dug up. Maybe with some ideas about the future of that space, we wouldn’t need to worry about that part.
- James was doing outreach weekly (visiting S.O.A.P. and walking around, riding buses, getting the word out about The Door). There is an intern who may be able to help with posting flyers and doing outreach.
- New proposed flow chart for employees. Marylee is now supervising all YES employees and getting some support from Janelle, Arlys, and Lawquana. A Development position is still un-filled, but Marylee has talked with Sarah S. about potentially joining in November.
- Staff meetings are now Wednesdays and Marylee is starting to work 7am-4:30pm.
- Purchases: new desk, new computer. Marylee wants a small MacBook Air.
- Golden Heart women voted for us to receive their funds: $16,000 coming soon!
- West Valley is starting “pass the hat” on November 1st. They have $5,000 to match in donations to FYA.
- Meryem needs to take some time off from her full commitment on the board. Patrick suggested that she stay on as an unofficial youth advisor on our board. She will not officially resign, but will no longer be a voting member.
- Resolution to change our policy on voting in new board members. Current requirement is for all board members to be present and interact face-to-face. This is too unrealistic for our traveling board and may tie our hands. Suggestion to consider that each board member has input but does not need to be at the board meeting in person to grant approval. Patrick made a motion that we amend our previous policy so it is not necessary for 100% of our board to be present, however it is important that all board members have a chance to comment (through telephone or internet). Sarah seconded the motion. Motion carries.
- Discussion regarding winter fundraiser: An Evening Out, dinner, dance, desert, short FYA program, envelopes on the table for making a donation?
- Raven’s Landing are willing to give us their banquet room for free to host the event. We would have to pay for catering. Marylee asked about a Friday or Saturday night somewhere between January and February and they are open. (Feb 20 is FCA’s Taste of Art)
- Feature youth talent? DJ? Dance?
- Share stories of how the shelter has impacted youth
- Marylee has been gathering invitations and going to various events. Tami went to Stone Soup and said it was fabulous- really good food (visiting chef from Seattle). We would have to use Raven Landing’s catering company.
- Patrick: “Who is the demographic? Who are we trying to reach?” 40-65 y/olds with money. We’ve all got cabin fever in January/February, come out and have a good time. Adult dinner & dance, solicit desserts, “fairbanks formal,” open to couples, UAF jazz band? Pre-sell tickets: $50/person $85/couple, meaningful brief presentation. Wine of some sort (Gold Hill? Ursa Major?) Tentative date: February 6th
- Staff Appreciation: Potluck! Staff meetings are 5-6:30 on Wednesdays. Board members could bring items and everyone could mingle and meet. 6-7pm on November 18th, meeting at 132 10th Ave.
- Schedule Next Meeting: November 24th 5pm at 122 10th Ave
- Board bio updates:
- Chick Wallace
- Adjourn at 7:01pm
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Finnell
- Unfinished Business
- Resolution to add Liz Fabian and Janelle Bronniman as signers for the Alaska USA account, to remove Meryem Kugzruk, Nicole Merriweather, & Kathryn Birch (Signatures necessary) Apparently all of the proper forms were not included and we need all signers to make an amendment. Dave M. will be out of town so we will need to table this until he returns (perhaps November meeting?)