- Roll Call
- Open in prayer
- Welcome Laquawna (volunteer coordinator & trainer) & Dee to our meeting
- FYA Employee Laquawna will share about her history with FYA. Dismiss afterwards to commence Board meeting.
- Question and Answer time with Dee and the Board
- Dismiss to continue with Board Meeting.
- Accept minutes from September 2015 meeting (Please pre-read)
- Signature items?
- Unfinished Business
- Resolution to add Liz Fabian and Janelle Bronniman as signers for the Alaska USA account, to remove Nicole Merriweather & Kathryn Birch (Signatures necessary) Apparently all of the proper forms were not included and we need all signers to make an amendment. Dave M. will be out of town so we will need to table this until he returns (perhaps November meeting?)
- Financial Report – Liz
- OHN Debrief (OHN Committee)
- Director’s Brief:
- Janelle has officially resigned her position as of 10/15. She would like to stay on in a different capacity. After talking with her, Nicole, Rodney and Deb our licensing specialist at the state – I have begun to rethink our shelter structure. The “Staff Stuff” is very challenging – it was for Niki and it is the primary reason for Janelle’s desire to let go of this job. The staff do NOT know that Janelle has resigned yet – so please keep this private. We will tell them upon our return. At this time I am not planning on advertising for her position because I sense we are going to change things up a bit.
- We are still looking for a house parent. Position is listed on our website.
- I have invited a tenant to move in (no exchange of money) to the basement of 132. We are hoping this helps with keeping pipes from freezing and she is planning on volunteering as well. Her background check is clear. We have a room agreement.
- The counseling office is finished but unfurnished. We have 3 counselors working for us at this time and that will become 4 very soon. Dave Bates plans to move his office over on October 9.
- Dave Bates, LPC
- Cassey St. Rose, LPC
- Mike Kolassa, Master’s Level Clinician
- Angela Jones, Master’s Level Clinician
- Update on bids for decommission of white house
- Marylee is waiting on a second bid from CEI
- Marylee asked R & D to revisit initial bid ($36,000)
- Discussion regarding winter fundraiser: An Evening Out, dinner, dance, desert, short FYA program, envelopes on the table for making a donation?
- Resolution to change our policy on voting in new board members. Current requirement is for all board members to be present and interact face-to-face. This is too unrealistic for our traveling board and may tie our hands. Suggestion to consider that each board member has input but does not need to be at the board meeting in person to grant approval.
- Schedule Next Meeting: October 27? Does this work with everyone?
- Board bio updates:
- Chick Wallace
- Committee Reports (as necessary)
- Adjourn