Call to order: 5:06
Present: Patrick Endres, Tami Manning, Chick Wallace, Barbara Tyndall, Dave Miller, Sarah Finnell, Marylee Bates, Janelle Bronniman
Absent: Meryem Kugzruk, Liz Fabian , Dean Gustafson
Open In prayer: Chick Wallace opened in prayer
Patrick welcomed our new shelter supervisor, Janelle Bronniman. Janelle shared some of her history in working with kids and youth. She said she felt God’s leading to work at FYA. Ministry is a priority for her.
Approve the minutes for May/June: Patrick moved, Tami seconded. Approved unanimously.
Signature items: *Sarah Finnell moved/ Chick Wallace seconded to add Janelle Bronniman and Liz Fabian to the list of signers for the Alaska USA account for Fairbanks Youth Advocates. Approved unanimously.
Paperwork from Alaska USA was circulated for signatures and Janelle was added to the list of signers.
Executive Director Report: Marylee is off shelter schedule as of July 1. She is usually in her office at the brown building next door.
Before she left, Niki had four weeks of leave on the books. She used up a week and we paid her for the rest. Checking on leave, Marylee discovered she has over 200 hours. She is taking Fridays off or half days to get that down. She is going to rewrite the policies concerning leave and will review staff leave monthly.
Janelle has been a great fit. She is a fast learner and is a great asset to the team.
Marylee wrapped up the BHAP grant this week.
The grave concern is that we only have a couple of kids on a regular basis at The Door. Marylee is setting up one exterior bus sign and interior signs are up presently. All the radio stations are doing free PSA’s.
Marylee is talking to law enforcement. NP police, Troopers, UAF police are all getting the presentations about the shelter. The word is getting out about FYA. Marylee went to briefings to talk to the officers.
She is starting to go to the Chamber of Commerce twice a month.
The City of Fairbanks putting together plan for commercial sale of marijuana. Recommendations 200 feet. Need to advocate for greater distance.
Grants: Golden Valley Electric grant; due on July 30th.
The Rasmuson Foundation likes to provide furniture for office and reception in new office space. To acquire that grant we need 100% giving participation by board members—cash donations. Dave suggested that board members receive a reminder of where we are in our giving. Marylee will ask Arlys to provide and update for those would like to have it.
One Homeless Night: September 11, 2015. Board looked at website for this event. Members will schedule planning sessions for this after tonight’s meeting.
Treasurers Report: Report is posted on line by treasurer Liz Fabian.
Green House Report: Dave Miller said that the status on project is good. We budgeted $40,000 to renovate the green house. Contractor bid too low and Dave has worked to get it up. They have started to get above $40,000. The house needs ventilation and is being worked on. Needs to have a healthy environment. Decisions have been made to make this new, long-term, commercial and durable. It will be done right and look good; but will not be high end in cost. This building will provide a conference room for meetings and training. Should come in close to budget.
*Patrick suggested we add $5000 to the budget to complete it.
Chick Wallace moved that we budget up to a maximum of $45,000/ Patrick seconded. Approved unanimously.
The white house needs research to decide whether to tear it down or remove it? Dave is looking at what will be most cost effective? A group of volunteers are here to work on it. Dave says it’s going to work out. He may a have quote by tomorrow. Dave is going to be traveling soon and hopes to have all this on-step before he leaves.
Board Training: Mike Walsh can join us during a meeting for a board training. Chick Wallace, Liz Fabian, and Tami Manning all need training. Training will be scheduled for the next board meeting.
*Dean has not attended last three meetings and has not responded to Patrick’s messages. Dave Miller is going to follow up.
Newsletters: Patrick and Marylee working on the next newsletter.
Strategic and Long Term Planning: Board reviewed Long Term Goals online and commented on progress or lack thereof.
Dave Miller asked about how we will recruit people (counselors) to work in the green building. Dave Bates has two interns he is bringing on board and supervising. One will be licensed in two years; the other in one year.
A family counselor on post will be finished in November and Dave is talking to this person. We are not paying them; so it is a recruiting difficulty.
Discussion of short term and long term goals.
Discussion of skill sets for future board members. Some suggestions were to recruit someone with legal or technical expertise.
Chick Wallace suggested that we tell members up front that they need to donate to FYA. We should communicate what is expected of our board members and what they bring to the board.
Dave Miller suggested that two board members meet with new members and bring the list of “board expectations” to discuss with them.
Next board meeting: September 1, 2015
Meeting adjourned: 7:00
Respectfully submitted: Barbara Tyndall, FYA Secretary