Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board Meeting
May 27, 2015
Call to Order: 5:00
Present: Patrick Endres, Brad Johnston, Barb Tyndall, Kathy Birch, Sarah Finnell,
Meryem Kugzuk, Dave Miller, Liz Fabian, Chick Wallace,
Rodney Gaskins, Marylee Bates, Niki Merriweather
Absent: Tami Manning, Dean Gustafson
Open in Prayer: Kathy Birch opened in prayer
Patrick announced that this will be Kathy’s last meeting as she is moving to Washington. Brad Johnston is also leaving our board since Liz Fabian has come on to be our accountant and treasurer. Kathy left the meeting.
Niki Merriweather, our shelter supervisor, gave an introduction to SWOT, which is a form of program analysis. SWOT focuses on strategic planning and decision making. It also identifies the positives and negatives of an organization. Niki showed a power point presentation of the method which identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a program. Niki will create a spread sheet for board to give input.
* She asked for a June 10 deadline to compile information. The outcome goal is to improve our program at The Door.
Niki requested that board members come to the shelter and introduce themselves to staff. She suggested that staff be encouraged to come to the first part of our board meetings so that the FYA board can meet and hear from them and staff can hear from the board members.
Rodney encouraged the board to get their own information and know what’s going on at the shelter. There was discussion about how much should go around Marylee. It was decided that some guidelines need to be put in place to see that the board is not circumventing the executive director. Triangulation is to be avoided. Some board members did not want assignments at the shelter; they felt they were maxed out. Other members said they needed an assignment or it wouldn’t get done. Nikki felt that the staff needs to feel backed up by the board and at present they don’t know who the board is.
Discussion was tabled until next meeting.
* Minutes: Patrick moved to approve the April minutes. Chick seconded. Minutes were approved unanimously.
Property acquisition: Patrick pulled up properties on Google Earth for board members to see. Dave passed out plans for our campus; mapping and written. Board members were asked to consider the plans, think about them, and give input.
Treasurers Report: Brad Johnston discussed the latest treasurer’s report with the board. He pointed out that our cash positon has steadily increased from January to April due to solid public support. Grants are still in jeopardy until the state budget is passed by the legislature. We have to cover expenses of $5000 a month. A third of our donations in November and December. Dave asked about our financial health overall. Brad said we have been working on it and we have a good team in place; a bookkeeper in place; cash reserves to operate (not just the bequest). We’ve been growing operating cash at a healthy rate. Brad said we are in a fantastic cash position. (Report available on line)
Clearwater Proposal/Plan: Dave Bates shared his vision for Clearwater. He wants to get another therapist on board as soon as possible. He has some individuals in mind. He would like to get someone on by this fall. Eventually he wants to get a third person. The counselor would receive 50% of gross receipts. He reported that we could be getting $100,000 per year for FYA when his counseling staff grows to this point.
* Dave Miller made a motion that the board allocate the expenditure of not more than $40,000 to complete the Green House. Patrick seconded. Dave said the money from the bequest is used to generate funds. The funds will be put back into the account when the funds are acquired. Motion passed unanimously.
* Patrick nominated Liz Fabian as Treasurer. Dave Miller seconded. Passed unanimously.
Next Meeting: Monday, June 22, 5:00 to 7:00 pm
Meeting Adjourned: 7:12
Respectfully submitted:
Barbara Tyndall, FYA, Secretary