Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board Meeting
Call to order: 5:02
Roll Call:
Present: Patrick Endres, Sarah Finnell, Kathy Birch, Barb Tyndall, Meryem Kugzruk, Brad Johnston, Dave Miller, Tami Manning, Chick Wallace, Marylee Bates, Rodney Gaskins, Dean Gustafson
Open in Prayer: Kathy Birch opened in prayer.
Welcome and Introduce Dean Gustafson: Board introduced themselves. Asked to explain what drew him to FYA. Graduated in 06. Was at risk and needed some help. Joined Marines at 18. Now working on Masters in public health. Grew up in Fairbanks. Discovered FYA by word of mouth.
Welcome to Chick Wallace as newest member of board.
BHAP—Rodney Gaskins reported on Juneau trip. State Coalition for homelessness asked him to go and discuss this grant. He made appointments with all eight legislators. Saw Steve Thompson, chair of Finance Committee, who was very concerned and said he would work to get the funding restored. An unknown lady came up to Rodney at the Capital and said, “God’s favor over you at the Rescue Mission”
Rodney explained that this funding should be put into the Operations Budget though it is safer in Capital Budget. Tammy Wilson, Pete Kelly and others were all working for it. Rodney had Communion at Kelly’s office.
Governor’s aide was not positive. Went to Governor’s office and met Jim Whitaker who greeted him warmly and was sympathetic to the situation. He said Governor was working on it. Rodney reported that Fairbanks has favor and is in a good position. Rodney is writing thank you notes to everyone who helped. FYA will also write some.
Marylee reiterated that this is a wake-up call. We need to keep working to become non grant dependent. 7.7 of 8 million restored. 5% change in funding for FYA
Mission Review: Board looked at long-term and short-term goals. Still need to broaden our donor base. FYA is on target for most of the goals.
Unfinished Business:
Update from Dave Miller: Dave reported that it is up to us to make an offer and we should be ready to do that soon. He should have solid plan by next meeting. He needs to follow up with Dave Hayden to design a campus. Chick Wallace suggested we also tap into Merle Jantz as a resource for this.
Executive Director Report: Marylee Bates—A success story of girl who contacted her from another city. She has been at The Door since last July. She is a model resident and graduates this spring. She was adopted by a family that took her to Disney Land. She moved out three weeks ago and the family paid first and last month’s rent. She has a job. Marylee asked her what people need to know about homeless youth. Her answer: “Not every family is a good one, but that doesn’t make you a bad person. It doesn’t mean your life has to be terrible.” She came around a few times because she was lonely. She is coming less; has found her way. Good outcome.
Rodney commented that isolation is not good; people would rather be with bad people than be alone. Even getting a pet helps. Follow up with the homeless is critical.
Meryem suggested the board give this girl a housewarming gift.
- 2014 year in review: Shared the numbers and demographics of The Door with the board. These numbers will be in the next newsletter.
- Sheltering: Two shift leaders went to Covenant House for training. Very excited about what they learned. Niki is leaving the end of June. Have some time to find a replacement.
- Donors: Looked at demographics of donor giving from individuals, organizations, businesses, and churches. Tiles for donors was discussed.
Discussion: Dean Gustafson as potential new board member. (Dean left at this time; Patrick said he will follow up with him). Rodney said that Dean’s past experience as a homeless youth is very beneficial when applying for grants. We need someone in leadership who has this experience. Dave spoke in favor of him.
Board voted unanimously to accept Dean Gustafson as a board member of Fairbanks Youth Advocates.
Financial Report: Brad Johnston printed a summary of the Treasurer’s Report. He reported that we are on track. In 2014 we did well and beat our budget. The Board reviewed the balance sheets. This report is available on-line. We owe the City of Fairbanks a financial statement.
Pick, Click, Give: Audit requirement if over $500,000 operating budget. Audit may cost $10,000 or more. We do not have this service due to the audit requirement. Brad said we do not exceed that. To apply for next year, we need to apply before March 31, 2015.
Marylee’s Evaluation: Needs to be done by April. Patrick has changed some of the questions. Board needs to review questions to see if they are adequate now that The Door is operational. Rodney exhorted the board to challenge Marylee and set real goals for her to attain to.
Annual Board Evaluations: Patrick will send out board evaluations to members to complete. We are using the same evaluation format with some amendments. Patrick will set a completion date and we will discuss these at next board meeting.
Next Meeting: March 25, Wednesday from 5-7
Meeting Adjourned: 7:04
Respectfully Submitted:
Barbara Tyndall
FYA Secretary
Looks good. Rodney’s testimony was inspiring.