The Alaska Coalition on Housing and Homelessness has been working together to construct a 1 page document to educate and inform. I have included it here.
What we are asking, as a state coalition is for the funding levels of 2015 be restored. Presently the BHAP is NOT in the governor’s budget at all. What this amounts to for us is a loss of $183,000.00. Sobering indeed.
Rodney Gaskins, Fairbanks Rescue Mission, is leaving tomorrow morning for Juneau. He will be representing the interior when talking to legislators. Please pray that he would be effective in educating others about the needs here in Fairbanks.
Update from the Alaska Coalition on Housing and Homeless (of which we are a part of). This is a summary of Friday’s meetings in Juneau and effects us. WE NEED TO SPEAK UP< SPEAK LOUD AND SPEAK QUICKLY, by Wednesday, the 18th. Please call a few or all of the legislators listed to follow. If you have any questions of me - PLEASE ASK! For us, this is a potential $183,000.00 loss - about 40% of our total budget: From the coalition: The main message from today's meetings is that we have work to do! We need to involve clients, board members, provide letters of support, and engage with the Governor and the legislature by Feb. 18th. Start this weekend. Next Steps: There are two deadlines for the restoration of BHAP/SNHG funding. An amendment to the Governor's budget that can be made by Feb. 18th; or the end of the session; there will be chances for the House or Senate to add these to the budget until then. (However, this is the more labor intensive route.) Communicate, Communicate, Communicate: Get board members to write letters and make phone calls -- indicating a need for full restoration of Basic Homeless Assistance Program and SNHG funding. Members are heading back to their districts this afternoon -- Be sure to find town halls and other events this weekend, and make contact. (Marylee is attending the town hall today - Saturday) Contact members by phone, email, or social media asking for the restoration of BHAP/SNHG in the Alaska FY2016 budget. These legislators are important: House Finance Members:
Senate Finance Members:
Update from Rodney!
From: Rodney Gaskins
Date:02/12/2015 11:57 (GMT-09:00)
To: Staff , BoardMembers
Subject: BHAP
God’s favor is all over this. My meeting have been amazing. The feed back has been “We need to get it back in the budget”. They are telling me how inportant these services are and talking about all of our good work.
I met with some Achorage people that told me the people they met with already are on it because of our press conference and my meeting yesterday. Then Rep Steve Thompson’s staff came and talked with me in the hall and said it was brought it up in the finance meeting last night. They are saying it was a mistake to take it out. He said, “It looking good.” He said someone was just in the Rep Thompson’s office bragging about the Mission’s Recycling program (Mary Fisher).
While in the hall with this group Vivian Stivers walked up and gave me a hug and express the importance of my trip down. Still in the hall Rep. Tammy Wilson came up and gave me a hug and said it was a good thing and good timing for me to come down. She thinks it looks good. I have a meeting with her this afterenoon.
Rep Kawasaki also express the importance of my trip and this grant to our community and state.
How can it get better? God’s Got it and I’m enjoying watching.