Dean Gustafson
1467 Farmers Loop Rd
- We use email or our board website for most of our business. Will accessibility or technological ability be a problem for you?
- No
- Have you read and can you agree with the Bylaws as written? as well as our Board Member Responsibilities, Code of Ethics, and Job Descriptions?
- Yes
- Why are you interested in serving on the board of Fairbanks Youth Advocates?
- To serve my community, especially populations in need such as homeless youth
- What is your professional experience with leadership and/or your accomplishments in business, government, philanthropy, or the nonprofit sector:
- I served in the United States Marine Corps and currently employed with the American Lung Association as a Health Educator
- Briefly outline your volunteer service for other organizations:
- I have completed a chemical dependency counselor internship and volunteered for two different fire departments
- What are some specific skills and strengths that you can bring to the Board.
- As a current student in a Master’s in Public Health, I have critical thinking skills and a view of various situations from a public health standpoint.
- Please submit the names of 2 references that we may contact:
- Jordan Ross (907)750-1988
- Rose Shatz (907)888-0020