Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board Meeting
September 9, 2014
Call to Order: 5:05
Present: Patrick Endres, Kathleen Birch, Sarah Finnell, Barbara Tyndall, Brad Johnston Meryem Kugzruk, Marylee Bates, Dave Miller
Absent: Tami Manning
Open in Prayer: Barb Tyndall opened in prayer. Dennis and Tami Manning were remembered in prayer as Dennis is battling cancer.
- Approve Minutes: (MSP, Patrick Endres, Kathy Birch to accept August minutes)
- Patrick Endres gave a brief demonstration of how to add a new post to our website and get it into the proper file.
- Brad Johnston asked to table his training piece until next meeting.
- Executive Director’s Report: Marylee began her report with the story of an 18- year-old who had lost way and his bearings. He was in and out of the shelter and would come back to eat occasionally. The week before school started he had a talk with James, our house parent. He has since moved in with the family of a good friend, has a room of his own, and is in school. His scores are high and the recruiters are after him for military service. It is a happy ending to a story which was initially very frustrating for staff.
- The Door is holding at five kids nightly. They had a youth from Mentasta (female) who is in OCS’s care now.
- A youth was recently diagnosed with mono by the nurse from Tanana Clinic. He is in a room by himself. The staff is taking extra precautions to assure that it is not passed on to others. He has to stay for three or four weeks in quarantine.
- All the youth are enrolled in school.
- There has been an increase in volunteer interest with nine new applicants. The Door currently has three interns and two additional interns are interested in serving.
- Marylee has signed on two new staff to work weekend hours since these are most difficult to staff.
- The application for the National School Lunch Program, which provides reimbursement for meals, has been completed. This allows The Door to submit for reimbursement for breakfasts and weekend lunches.
- New donors continue to emerge: Fairbanks Rotary Club donated $700; Alyeska donated $1000; Alaska Gravel contributed $600 earned from a bake sale; The Golden Heart Rotary golf tournament raised $6000; Kroeger Foundation gave $529; and Cleaning services were recently donated by Michael Bonilla of Clean Pro to clean the furniture at The Door.
- The stolen vehicle was found. The back window was broken out. We are going to give the car to Thomas to do with what he wants, since theft was on his property.
- The plan to give memberships to staff for Planet Fitness is being utilized.
- There is an open dinner every Saturday night at The Door which has replaced the weekly barbeque. Former clients often stop by for this.
- A public health nurse is coming weekly.
- A week from today Marylee will be on vacation for two weeks.
- Sarah recommended the book, How to Talk So Teens Will Listen, and Listen So Teens Will Talk
- Patrick asked Marylee how we are doing overall as a homeless shelter. Marylee said we are about a seven on a scale of ten. We aren’t there yet but we are getting to where we need to be. Working with kids is difficult. The shelter has gained new positive energy with two new interns and new staff. Marylee said they had ten or twelve visitors today bringing things. The community is engaged in this project and we are moving forward.
- Building Acquisition-Marylee reported that on September 23, the court will decide whether the plan for the estate money to come to FYA is approved. October 10, was the date that was set to acquire the property. Marylee will be gone after Oct 1 and Patrick will be gone Oct 2-24. Dave said it won’t happen that quickly. He suggested that if we are confident this deal will go through, we need an approval from the board to free up money to extend the offer or make that happen. Brad suggested we offer a substantial amount (such as $2,500) to extend our offer up to 60 days.
- (MSP > Brad Johnston, Patrick Endres > to authorize expenditure of up to $5000 of nonrefundable earnest money to extend the offer to purchase the property, if the court approves the plan. Dave Miller is authorized to negotiate this plan on behalf of the board).
- Dave said the we need to consider what we are going to do with this property over the winter if we acquire it? Do we put a tenant in it and could we find someone who will live in it and someone to manage it? Brad and Marylee said that would be ideal. It would put us in a neutral position, cash wise. Dave dismissed himself from the meeting at this time.
- One Homeless Night will take place the night of September 13. The board looked at the website and discussed details of the event.
- Sunshine Committee—Sarah reported that the committee will be meeting in October to decide what volunteers should be recognized in December and will meet in February to decide who to recognize in March. It was recommended that staff should also be included. Patrick suggested we also highlight some major donors.
Next Meeting—October 6 at 5:00pm
Meeting adjourned– 6:49
Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Tyndall, FYA Secretary