July 1, 2014
Call to order: 5:00
Present: Patrick Endres, Kathy Birch, Tami Manning, Sarah Finnell, Barbara Tyndall, Brad Johnston, Marylee Bates, Dave Miller
Absent: Meryem Kugzruk
Barbara Tyndall opened in prayer.
Minutes postponed until next meeting.
Board members reviewed long term and mid-term, short-term goals. Need to complete business plan for sustainability (priority 5)
Treasurer’s Report—Brad Johnston reported we are under budget for equipment. Cash position is adequate to pay our bills. Need to rework budget. June 30 end of grant cycle. Discussion of various budget items. Complete report is on-line.
Discussion of recent donor development, property acquisition, and associated ramifications of a campus development. There is a possible endowment option. Marylee said she has a meeting Thursday morning to discuss possible acquisition of more property for FYA. The board discussed the possibility of a campus for FYA. Dave suggested that the old pink house be included in discussions around the real estate being discussed for acquisition. The board felt that the buildings on the property need to be replaced. Dave suggested we get someone to create a concept for a possible future campus so we can present the plan to future donors. Dave and Marylee will get together to discuss a person to do this. Patrick asked that they also give a tentative budget for such a project.
Executive Director Report: Marylee reported The Door is housing five to six kids any given night. There were nine different kids this last week. The youngest was 13 and the oldest 18. Several are runaways. Staff has had contact with three sets of parents in the last week. These were good experiences. Twenty volunteers have finished with background checks. As of June 9, volunteers logged 272 hours. Two interns worked 132 and 144 hours respectively. The biggest need for volunteers at the moment is Saturday from 8-4 and both shifts on Sunday. AHFC ($218,000 grant) has contacted FYA indicating we have received some of those funds. Emergency Solutions Grant for $21,000 has been received.
A Saturday night barbeque from 6-9 has become a weekly event at The Door. It is attended regularly by around fifteen kids who are not shelter kids. Fundraisers have included the following: Credit Union $13,000, West Valley raised $5000. They partnered with North Star Community Foundation for matching funds. Potentially $10,000.
Co-op sent $1,200. Fairbanks Lutheran $1000. Walk for Charity earned $275. Amazon Smile has potential for fundraising. Members can sign up for donations from sales to go to FYA. We have two new donors.
Public Health ladies came by The Door and will come every Thursday. Kids need to talk to Public Health for contraception. We don’t pass out contraception.
National School Lunch Program—looking for reimbursement for some of the meals but this involves a lot of red tape. An application is in but not accepted yet—have to attend a mandatory meeting in Anchorage in early August. They were able to get cheap tickets for staff to attend. She will stay with her sister.
Shelter needs a storage shed. A connex box was discussed.
Dave requested a story about one of the kids FYA is serving. Marylee told of a young man who has since aged out. He is 22 and doing very well. He is closely connected with his family and his daughter. He struggled with depression. He was brought to the church shelter by the Rescue Mission. He caught a vision and turned his life around, got a job and began mentoring other kids to make good choices. He stayed a few months and maintained his job because was able to have a place to live.
July 13th-19th Marylee will be on vacation.
Vehicle has a stick shift and staff will not use it. Patrick moved we sell it for a reasonable, marketable price and buy something else. Marylee says Blue Book was very low on it. The motion was seconded by Kathy. Dave says we can sell it in 24 hours on Craigs List. Dave Bates or Dave Miller will work on this . Unanimous approval.
Patrick, Marylee, and Sarah will design the sign for The Door.
Board members will complete thank you call to donors.
Patrick completed summer newsletter. We’re going seasonal. Business cards for youth with listed services have been passed out. One Homeless Night website it up and progressing.
A golf tournament fundraiser by Golden Heart Rotary will take place August 2. Would be good for a board member to attend.
Discussion over what sort of gifts to give our volunteers. Sarah is heading this up and Tami and Kathy are helping. There are about 20 volunteers to address. Marylee said that surveys were passed out to find out what would be appreciated.
Marylee, Barb, Kathy, Sarah, and Meryem will be present at One Homeless Night.
Next meeting: July 30, 5:00-7:00.
Meeting adjourned 6:59
Respectfully Submitted
Barbara Tyndall
FYA Secretary