Per Rodney’s suggestion during our last board meeting… that it may be of benefit to use TDL services to find, test and interview a future employee for the position of administrative support/business manager, here is what Marylee found out:
TDL charges $1700 to find and place an employee. They agree to replace the person free of charge if they leave in the first year. – They may or may not already have this person in their data base – if not – they do the looking and pull from several resources. They do all the recruiting, they screen, test, check all the references, and do background checks as appropriate – then provide the agency with 1-3 candidates to choose from. Essentially – we just are meeting with folks to see whose personality we jive with. She said, this still takes some time to get a person in place.
I’ve discussed this with Marylee, and I feel pretty strongly that this person is extremely important. It needs to be a qualified person, self motivated, intuitive, detail oriented, and someone that has enough independence to be a strong supporting role and not suck a lot of management time. Employees like this are hard to find, but the fit needs to be right. In order that we can proceed with this prior to our next board meeting, I wanted to open the discussion here for comment, and propose that we go forward with authorizing the $1700 expense to initiate this process. I have worked on a job description with Marylee, which can be found at the link below if you want to read it. I’d like to resolve this in a few days so please state here any concerns or questions, and/or whether you approve with proceeding.
I support the motion!
I approve
Yes, I support this motion.
Second the motion and vote yes
Dave Miller
Brad sent me an email response of his approval of going forward, but I think he is traveling and was not able to log on to make his comment visible to all. In light of the discussion and favorable review by the board, I make a motion that we approve the $1700 expense to proceed with this job listing.
Good questions and comments from everyone.
This job description is primarily someone who is my administrative assistant/business manager – but who happens to sit in the front room at a desk in the pink house – greeting Dave’s clients. This is 5-10 minutes of her/his time throughout the day. Looking at the job description, #1 is a Clearwater Task. Everything else supports me, as well as relieves Brad of much of what he has been doing as a volunteer. Dave B has had his hand in crafting the job description as has Kathie Gettinger, Dave’s Insurance Biller.
FYA and CC have already agreed to split the expense of the salary. I am doubtful that the BHAP admin would cover these particular costs. They cover the salary but not the hiring.
We have the funds in our bank account, however – this requires board approval because our policy reads:
“All expenditures are authorized by the board of directors through the adoption of an annual operating budget. Prior board approval is required for expenditures exceeding $1000 of a budget line item.”
In other words – it is not currently in the budget as an approved line item.
The $1700 doesn’t seem so much when you add up all the hours spent on responding, screening, phoning, meeting, interviewing, applicants, etc.
In this case, I really need someone who is smarter and sharper than I am in this area. I am much more confident (with this particular job description) that TDL can do a better job of hiring than I can.
I support this plan and agree with Kathy- as long as funds are available, let’s move forward with this.
First of all it is a great idea for all the reasons you mentioned. And TDL came with a good recommendation. Where would the money be drawn from? The Rasmussen Grant? It might fall under their designated administrative costs? We have had a couple surprise expenses added to our budget; & Brad could let us know where this would fit in. So, I approve spending the $1700 for TDL, depending upon our available funds.
Also, it does not seem clear, in the job description, that the business manager is shared with FYA & Clearwater Counseling. Or is it just for David’s office? Kath
I agree about the importance of finding the right person.
It seems that right now, the only person that could do the process that we are hiring TDL to do is Marylee (Bates)
It seems like Marylee is extremely busy opening the shelter and adding this task to her duties at this time would be counter productive to our stated goal of not wearing Marylee out.
I approve the $1700 fee, based on the availability of funds in the budget.
Dave Miller