- Roll Call
- Open in Prayer
- Accept Minutes from January 2014 Meeting
- Signature items
- Sign employee contracts
- Mission Review
- What are the 6 short term goals for FYA in 2014?
- As a board member exercising the duty of care, you should:
- Regularly prepare for and attend board meetings
- Read all the information provided to you
- Actively participate in board discussions, exercising independent judgment in decision making
- Ask questions so that you have a complete understanding of the organization’s financial picture
- Review your organization’s Form 990 prior to filing
- Consider going beyond public disclosure requirements to increase transparency
- Adopt and implement appropriate financial governance policies to protect your organization
- Understand the impact of various revenue and fund development approaches on your organization’s financial health
- Understand the roles of the board treasurer and the finance and audit committees, and actively participate in identifying and recruiting qualified board members to fill those roles.
- Unfinished Business
Understanding financial statements: The pamphlet that Mike discussed during our meeting is posted on the board website for reading. I suggest that everyone read through and make notes which we can discuss during our March meeting if necessary. But please put it on your ‘to-do’ list.
- ED Evaluation: since Foraker has not produced an ED evaluation template, Patrick will appoint a committee to create a customized ED evaluation. The committee will interact with the board and ED as necessary for the process and then will present it to the board for discussion in an executive session During a board meeting.
- Donor tile details:
- Cumulative donation totals between Jan 1 – Dec 31 of a given year – merit appropriate tile based on the value. Then each following end of year, we will look at total (cash only?) donations per individual or business and allocate tiles at that time. ($1000, $2500, $5K)
- Donor reports and Quickbooks records of income per individual. Consolidating data entry.
- House Parent: fund this partially? We’ve received significant donations from 3 churches just this year totalling ~6000 already. A portion, or all or ?? could go towards this position.
- Reports
- Financial: Brad
- Director’s report: Marylee
- Meryem’s report on the conference
- Public Information report: Patrick – Brochure and newsletter are needed soon.
- Review of Saturday Session with Mike
- Annual Operating plan review
- Short term priorities
- Long term goals:
- Let’s be thinking about a future goal that involves a work transition or vocation emphasis: For Example: Future relationship with Stonesoup and programs for youth: I am attaching Youth Barista and Education Program to it and just wanted to let you know that this is something that Bread Line sees as a future collaboration, if your Board agrees that it would be feasible. I think you will find the following article interesting and instructive. It clearly relates to your work and to ours as well. Food Insecurity: Consequences for Households ….
- Committee to work on Annual Operating Plan? See the plan summary on the board website here:
- Fundraiser Decisions! (Walk for Charity May 9th, Garage Sale, Couch Surfing races?? 5K run??) Design Alaska would like to sponsor us for a fundraiser
- Volunteer to head up Fundraising? Fundraising committee chair?
- Walk for charity registration – Sarah Smith has completed registration already.
- The 12th Visitor Industry’s Walk for Charity will take place downtown May 9, 2014.
- Annual Operating plan review
- Public Thankyou protocol: Marylee would like board input on what we feel is the proper way to address thank you notes, calls, cards, newspaper listing, etc.
- FYA office building renovations and future needs: Discuss what is the long term future of the building. What are the immediate renovation needs. How much should be spent on fixing it?
- Status of The Door’s needed items: All major purchases have been completed, now it is just small household items for the Door.
Message from Jennifer Juette (on her application to volunteer) from a parent’s perspective:
“A couple years ago my teen son was living out of state with his dad, they had a physical altercation and my only kiddo found himself homeless with no friends or family nearby to help. He had 3 months left in his senior year of HS, he didn’t want to move back to AK, there was no teen shelter in rural Ohio. I was heartbroken, I felt completely helpless. After a couple weeks of couch surfing my son was lucky enough to find a family that took him in for those last couple months of school. Not long after this Dr Danny Bramer was telling me about the start of FYA, I sobbed. I knew that God was moving me to help.”
couch surfing video: