September 17, 2013
Call to Order: 5:04
Roll Call:
Sarah Finnell, Meryem Kugzruk, Barbara Tyndall, Brad Johnston, Dave Miller, Patrick Endres, Kathy Birch, Marylee Bates via teleconference
There were no absent members.
Meryem Kugzruk opened in prayer.
A question about the minutes referred to the job description of the resource coordinator (20 hours a week). The person is hired to gather resource information and to hook youth up to desired resources. She meets with youth, collects information, and directs youth to needed resources.
Brad moved to accept minutes; Patrick seconded. Passed unanimously.
How many different employees does FYA have at this time? Answer: 8 including Dave.
(Sarah S. – our VISTA, is not counted as an employee)
Board reviewed Brad’s Budget 2013-2014 document. Brad reported that we have our expenses figured out. We know what our grants are. The bottom line is that FYA needs to generate an additional $120,000 to break even. Sarah suggested we look at our expenses. There did not seem to be much we could cut. Patrick said we need to get a donor base going.
Kathy asked about the phone expense. Marylee replied that she had asked ACS about the cost of needed phones and internet service. She will be checking with other providers. Marylee explained that at this time the plans are for three lines for the shelter and the new building.
Brad said that this budget is the best guess we have on individual items. We cannot know for sure at this time. We need to bring in consistent donors to keep the shelter going. We have our newsletters printed and have begun the process. Marylee said that much of the costs for the shelter are included in the grant we have at this time. Brad explained that there is a fiscal year on most grants and we operate on a calendar year. We need an approved budget in place in order to operate and begin the process.
Brad downloaded an excel document for us to use for amendments. This document is available upon request or on our web site. The focus of the budget needs to be on expenses. There was discussion with Marylee concerning these.
Sarah moved to accept the existing operating budget ($283,828); Meryem seconded. Approved unanimously.
Combined operations budget with Clearwater Counseling will be forthcoming from Brad.
Composition of Board:
Patrick said we need more depth on the board to help with fundraising. We would like to have someone who could provide legal representation and a strong business person. We also need people with strong connections to the community. We require networkers. Sarah said we need folks who represent our clientele.
Marylee reported that requirements for RCCF (Residential Child Care Facility) licensing would make it impossible to take more kids than what we were licensed for. If we are licensed for eleven youth, we would have to settle for eleven only; there would never be twelve or more. Various experts suggested to Marylee that if the money doesn’t require us to be licensed why do it. She made a list of the pros and cons of licensing and reviewed it with the board. Cons included the fact that we may have less access to some funding. The fire marshal will give us an occupancy number for safety reasons but we won’t be limited by eleven. We may have to throw down a night mat for someone to just overnight. Even if we are not licensed, it is our goal to follow the RCCF regulations as much as possible. Another con is that we’ve been told not to do case management. Marylee said we will do a modified version and call it something else.
Marylee thinks that we should go into this winter without licensing at least – since there are no alternatives for youth. Maybe later, we will seek licensing, but right now we want to be more flexible. We can join organizations that monitor us and will make us more accountable. We are looking for accountability, not avoiding it.
Dave M. asked that Marylee write a recommendation to the board that we not pursue licensing at this time; post it on our site; and present to the board members for an electronic vote.
Merging mission of Clearwater and FYA:
The question was asked of how to better merge Clearwater Counseling and FYA with an overarching goal or mission statement. This may be a subject for a future board meeting or consultation with Mike Walsh.
Brad suggested to meet with Dave Bates to create Clearwater Counseling’s mission statement and start there. Marylee said we should be looking at our own bylaws as a starting point. We can read those before the next meeting to hammer these out.
New Employee:
Marylee said we may have the right employee already for a missionary house parent. Marylee will work on a letter to ask churches to commit to support this position for one year.
Dave Miller reported on the construction project. It is a tight budget for the builder and they are behind schedule. They had to work through some physical issues with building because the design portion happened so rapidly. Variations are needed in order for them to proceed. Brad is making sure they are not giving up anything necessary to clients, but operating with a good working attitude. This building is more like a hospital than a home. We are the ones who need to turn it into a home. Right now it is very commercial. Brad said that given the various delays, it will be a miracle if we open by Christmas. Dave is trying to represent the heart of this board. He said that the builder has same heart. The builder encourages the sub-contractors to get into the spirit of this project. They deliver lunches to the crew and keep a good working relationship. The only real significant change occurred when they had to tweak the side of building to make it fit. Attitudes are good and no attorneys are being called. Dave is our ambassador and is representing us in a good spirit.
Fundraising: $72,000 is our fundraising goal. We are at $5,000.
Sarah will be out on Sept 20 for knee surgery.
Patrick will put One Homeless Night information on our web site.
Next meeting Wednesday, October 23 from 5-7
Patrick moved to adjourn and Brad seconded. Meeting adjourned 6:45
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Tyndall,
FYA Secretary
I also really like this idea. Unfortunately, I don’t know many people who have a lot of experience in these areas, or are connected in the community. I can try and think of some for our next meeting.
IN REGARDS TO ALL OF US LOOKING FOR BOARD MEMBERS: We needed a lawyer, fund raiser experienced person, business contact extraordinaire person.
Marylee shared how Love INC did their search for board members: board would bring names in,and then it was asked who knew or had a working/ social relationship with any name on the list. (I guess more personal than an unknown person email or call ) then names were divided up etc. Also, eliminating the risk of too many people calling one person. What do you think?
I do have a couple more names to call for a lawyer possibility slot. maybe, one business person; just heard back from a woman (who might be a ‘fund raising’ person type) who said she’d look at our website and get back to me). Hmm, Should a list be put on google drive, and we all could have access to it and write in people you thought of to contact?
If anyone had already contacted, or had a burning desire to contact them since they were “connected” etc that person could somehow put their name in the “I’d like to contact this person because slot”..Or should we put this on the agenda for next time? A more solid system to our inquiries would help me feel more secure in the quest.
Again, what do you all think? Patrick suggested posting my question and get feedback etc. 😉
Sounds like a great idea, Kathy. Not sure how to execute a plan either…I don’t know too many “connected” individuals…but maybe it would be worthwhile to spend 5-10 minutes trying to think of folks at our next meeting.