Hi All,
I am proposing the following. I realized that though the board at some point discussed options, there was never a decision regarding what the ‘fractional basis’ is. So, none of the part time regular employees have received any paid leave up until now. Also – when does this begin? Sept 1? Or can we start as of July 1 with new grant, or ??
6.5 Leave Time (Pending Board Approval)
The leave time policy applies to all regular full-time and regular part-time employees. Leave time incorporates vacation and sick days, thus rewarding healthy employees with more actual vacation time.
Paid leave time accrues as follows:
Leave is based on what is determined in each individual’s Employee Contract.
Regular part-time working more than 20 hours per week and full-time employees will earn leave on a fractional basis at the rate of 0.03692 per hour worked. For a full-time employee the rate equals 3.2 hours per pay period.
Leave days for the Executive Director and Shelter Supervisor are determined by the FYA Board of Directors.
Earned leave cannot be taken before it is approved. To have leave time approved fill out a Leave Request form and submit it to your supervisor. The supervisor will notify the Executive Director who will note how many hours of leave time are available. The Executive Director will give final approval in consultation with the Shelter Supervisor.
so where do I go to read the end results policy?
Thanks everyone,
Not sure we needed a vote – but have written the policy and am moving forward.
oh, and vote “Yes”
I second the motion
I think it sounds reasonable and agree with your comments, Marylee, regarding stress of the job and mental health considerations. I think making it retroactive as of the start of the grant (July 1?) would be appropriate. Do we need a motion and to vote on this? If so, I make a motion to approve/adopt the proposed policy regarding leave time for employees (article 6.5: “Leave Time”), retroactively starting July 1, 2013.
…not sure I worded that quite right… Any seconds or does someone want to make a motion that makes more sense? (I need to be trained in Roberts Rules!)
ED/PD =Paid Leave: 4 weeks – to be divided over the year
Shelter Supervisor= Paid Leave Days: three weeks per year
It is the one thing we have to offer staff – leave time
We have a regular part time person (Tony) who has worked 32 hours a week since he started. Recently we have moved him to full time. I can see that some of the employees move back and forth over the hours – and it might be a little crazy to change the % back and forth so that is why I suggested the same %, as long as they are working 20 hours or more. Then it just builds based on their hours they work.
Kathy – working nights and working with the homeless is stressful. The FRMission gives all staff 2 days off per month starting immediately. The idea being – they want everyone to remain emotional health and wellness. I dont think we are quite there yet, but I still think we have room to be generous – including making this decision retroactive.
Places I have experienced, have leave benefits starting after working 3 sometimes 6 months. Not sure what is reasonable for us (not sure if the leave hrs started accruing but just couldn’t start using them until later..)
The 3.2 hr must be best practice rate per Brad (or employment rates) so it is fine by me.
What was decided on the exec Director and Shelter supervisor paid time off..I forget
What is stated sounds reasonable to me, and since I know very little about what is standard in the industry, I feel like I can’t contribute much without researching. Based on input that has been shared via email, and others comments on the issue. The above seems like a starting place.