- Roll Call
- Open in Prayer
- Approve minutes from previous (June) meeting
- Review Shelter Blueprints
- Show the recent video production starring Marylee Bates and FYA volunteers
- Executive Director’s Comments
- Annual budget for review and discussion
- Bring the board members up to speed on the current revenue and expense streams
- MOU with the city: FYA MOU Amendment #1
- Fundraising: Discuss a campaign to raise the remaining funds necessary for the completion of the house: “Open the Door” campaign.
- Next Fundraiser: One Homeless Night – Barb
- Board Member Recruitment
- Octavia
- Brian
- Does anyone have specific people to recommend that meet our needs?
- Amanda Eklund (lawyer) has expressed interest in helping us with some legal needs.
- Reports
- Public Information:
- Ground Breaking ceremony report
- Campaign promotion on the website
- page speed tests on desktop and mobile devices
- Free hosting for 501c3 and merging of CC and FYA to a new server.
- House and Building Report: Dave Miller
- Financials: Brad – Treasure’s Report
- Update on Policy review: Kathy and Sarah
- Public Information: