Board Meeting
March 5, 2013; 5:00-7:00
Call to Order: 5:07
Open in Prayer: Danny Bramer opened in prayer
Present: Jeff Bizzarro, Sarah Finnell, Kathy Birch, Barbara Tyndall, Brad Johnston, Danny Bramer, Meryem Kugsruk, Patrick Endres
Absent: Dave Miller, Rilene Ann
Review of mission statement and goals: Facilitating life transitions for at-risk youth
Core Purpose: Facilitating life transition for at-risk and vulnerable youth
Core Values: Unconditional Love, Hope, Restoration, Compassion, Faith
Danny moved to accept minutes; Jeff seconded. Unanimously approved
Signatures or Votes: Letter to Dept. of Labor registering as an entity with the State of Alaska. Alaska Employer Registration Form signed by FYA officers.
Moved by Danny Bramer that we make Jeff Bizzarro and Nicole Merriweather signers on Alaska USA bank account; Patrick seconded. Approved unanimously. Paperwork was signed for authorization.
Discussion of ways to reach large donors: Jeff suggested a personal presentation from board members to organizations. Members thought an invitation for a personal tour of The Door prior to a public open house would be appropriate. Danny said we should create levels of donations. Brad thought plaques for the walls of businesses would be appreciated. Other suggestions were to place adds in the newspaper thanking donors, post donors names on the walls of the shelter, and a personal phone call from board members (divided out) for individual donations of at least $500 a year or to a business that donates at least $1,000. This could be done immediately for large donations and yearly for accumulative donations.
Marylee already writes hand-written notes to donators at the present. Patrick suggested that we make it an option for our youth to write thank you notes, as well. Perhaps a graphic wall could be created at the shelter that could be posted on our web site.
Members agreed to research the giving levels of other organizations and hammer this out at our next meeting. The information should be posted on our web site.
One pallet of paper goods (paper plates, cups, plates) were donated from Unisource.
Marylee posted a report from the Executive Director. She asked if there were any questions concerning that report. Danny asked if we are going to be open next year. Marylee said it is in the hands of the city. They say the timeline is targeting November as an opening date.
November is Homeless Youth Awareness month. The RFP is still not completed. Marylee had been told it would be complete at the end of February.
Cookie project: FYA staff are giving out cookies as a thank you to various entities. This entails a six pack of three different types of cookies. It is just another way of thanking folks.
Patrick brought up the fact that our clientele this winter is older than we expected (18-21). These don’t fit the Rescue Mission. They need programs that work for them. It is not the targeted population of the Door either. These older youth don’t want 24 hour shelter; just a bed for the night. They do not meet our criteria. To bring in the younger homeless, FYA staff are exploring how to reach junior high kids. Taking older youth does not jeopardize our funding since Alaska designates “youth” as up to 24. But we need the younger population as well as these older youth. Some of the older youth have been couch surfing for three years.
Board evaluation was put together by Kathryn and Meryem. There was discussion and some editing. It was mentioned that we are not obligated to accept funds from questionable sources. Members decided that the board needs to judge the effectiveness and appropriateness of our partnerships (donors, affiliates, and organizations.) The Board agreed to do this annually.
The evaluation process of the Clinical Director was discussed and edited. Members took out the third bullet under Administration/Staff Support. Board Terms will be added by Patrick and Marylee—discussion.
Finances: Brad is doing a lot of work for FYA. The Treasurer’s Report is on our blog. Brad went over payroll expenses on the spread sheet. There was a discussion of the Clearwater Counseling donations.
Patrick suggested a monthly ledger to show what we have to draw from. Brad will work out a report that gives a summary. Marylee said the quarterly report is due March. Marylee and Brad will work this out.
Fundraising: Danny gave a report and said Steve will be cutting a check this week from the fundraiser at Friends Church. He suggested that we check out the Golden Heart Community Foundation for possible funding. Brad was concerned about potential cost to the organization with the addition of a middleman. Marylee will check on this. The Board agreed to participate in Revive the Red Tent production company. Although 25% of the proceeds go to FYA, this is intended to be a community awareness event, not a fundraiser.
Patrick has contacted Foraker about our need for legal counsel. Foraker will be reviewing our policies and manuals before we turn things over to a lawyer of our choice.
The training in Anchorage for Marylee qualifies for air fare and hotel for one night to be reimbursed by Foraker Training . Mike Powers at FMH said they may cover board training if we let them know ahead of time what we would like to do.
Next meeting: Wednesday, April 10 at 5:00.
Adjourned 7:00.
Respectfully Submitted: Barb Tyndall, Secretary
“Two pallets of paper goods”
We received 1 pallet.
“The training in Anchorage for Marylee qualifies for air fare and hotel to be reimbursed from our grant. ”
This was not from our grant. The Foraker Training offered participants travel stipends. I completed an application, submitted it and they approved. Airfare and 1 night’s lodging – covered.
“Board training may also be funded. ”
This was an offer from Mike Powers, at FMH – we are to let him know ahead of time what we would like to do and they will see about covering it.
cookies – 3 kinds, two each, 6 total
I think it looks good! Thanks Barb