My Apologies for the rush on this. I wrote this a week ago based on last year’s example that we submitted. Then I ran it by Patrick. We were going to let it sit a day! Where did the time go?
Please read this resolution. THEN YOU HAVE TO SIGN INTO THE BOARD login and respond directly to the post. COMMENT – first person makes a motion to pass, someone seconds – everyone else needs to just approve or not.
Basically – you are agreeing that I have your permission to submit a grant application to Alaska Housing Finance Corporation. (This is the same funding source for our current salaries)
Thank you – and again – sorry for the rush.
BHAP/ESG Resolution
WHEREAS, each year, there are over four hundred youth without shelter, and more than 100 youth that are reported as runaway, lacking access to resources to meet their basic needs and support to find stable, appropriate housing and because there are currently no shelters designed to specifically meet the needs of runaway and abandoned, and homeless youth in the Interior,
WHEREAS, the current temporary emergency shelter housed in First Presbyterian will continue to provide safe shelter and basic needs until the opening of The Door: Emergency shelter for Runaway and Homeless Youth, expected to open November 2013 to meet the gap in services by providing supervision, safe shelter, basic needs, counseling, and mediation support for runaway and homeless youth with a goal of family reunification as possible.
WHEREAS, through the implementation of Basic Homeless Assistance Program (BHAP) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds, Fairbanks Youth Adocates will staff and operate the temporary overnight shelter and consequently, The Door: emergency shelter for runaway and homeless youth.
WHEREAS, if awarded, the applicant, Fairbanks Youth Adocates, will enter into an agreement with the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation for implementation of said grant.
That the Fairbanks Youth Adocates Board of Directors authorizes the submittal of a grant application to the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, and all documents to secure grant funds and implement the approved grant project.
ADOPTED this day of , 2013 by Fairbanks Youth Adocates Board of Directors
I vote to approve!
Thank you Everyone.
I approve this!
I vote to approve this motion
On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Dave Miller wrote:
Marylee, FYA Board, Et. Al.,
I vote to approve.
Dave Miller
*Dave was not able to log in successfully after several attempts.
I vote in favor of the motion.
2nd this
I’m in favor
make a motion to pass this
I make a motion to approve this resolution, for the grant application to Alaska Housing and Finance Corporation