January 24, 2013 Meeting
- Roll call
- opening prayer (consider Danny’s mother and family)
- Meet Nicole Merriweather, our new shelter supervisor, our direct contact as board members should Marylee be absent. She is also one of two people that the state requires in order for us to operate a Residential Child Care Facility. Nicole is working on all the parts and pieces of getting licensed by the State. This is a primary focus. This will be on the order of months away, not weeks.
- Accept Dec 2012 meeting minutes
- ED Report and discussion with Marylee
- Unfinished business
- Board eval. Please make sure you have filled out the survey monkey
sign in with - User: FYAdvocates,
password: jesus12345.
that Rilene sent some time ago.Rilene, can you bring any collected information on this to the meeting?
Kathy, can you bring your annotated comments on the other board evaluation form to discuss with us? - Signature stuff – Formal vote for Jeff to be a signer on the checks.
- Donations for Dick and sarah, just a reminder that if you intended to do this, but have either forgot, or missed the opportunity, please bring in your donation to the meeting. A card will be available to sign.
- Bus sign update: Going forward as planned. Total cost to FYA approximately $175 for the year Jan-Dec 2103. (Costs donated by FNSB & Last Frontier Mediactive. Auto Trim Design gave a discount.
- Board eval. Please make sure you have filled out the survey monkey
- Updated Flow Chart of Employee and staff.
- Qualifications for Employment at FYA: faith based expectations?
- On the horizon: Big things are about to happen and we need to look far ahead with an anticipatory outlook to foresee as much as possible the issues that could receive our collective board attention. Please ponder this and bring your ideas to the meeting so we can discuss them. No doubt, they will continue to develop.
- Patrick suggests a meeting with Foraker to discuss the legal issues that we may face as the shelter takes shape. And, if necessary, get things, policies, reviews etc., in front of a lawyer’s eyes.
- What to do for larger Thank Yous. This past month we have received a 1000., 3500.00 & 7500.00 donation. Do we do anything different? – possibly a review of what is being done
- Volunteers – how do we thank them, 1x or 2x a year – as a board, during board meetings – does everyone call x people to leave a message of thanks. These folks are a critical part of staffing and we could not be open without them
- Update on the House Parent Positions. The board agreed to move forward on this some time ago. For the new board members, Marylee will give an update:
- The Annual Leadership Summit hosted by The Foraker Group will be held in April at Anchorage. Jeff would like to discuss with the other board members the possibility of sending Marylee down to attend on our behalf and possibly a board member that would like to attend. Many of the states Non profit leaders will be in attendance and I feel its a good opportunity for net-working, getting FYA’s name out into the non -profit world and meeting other agencies that have a similar mission as FYA. Guest speakers:
- Thaler Pekar — a noted expert in storytelling, Thaler works with organizations around the country on crafting their messages and delivering them with impact.
- Kivi Leroux Miller — known for her webinars, blog, and consulting, Kivi specializes in helping smaller organizations make a big impression on limited resources.
- Tom Ahern — long recognized for his expert training in donor communications, Tom helps participants learn how to plan strategies and create winning cases for support.
- Steve Culbertson — president of Youth Service America, is a CEO who “walks the talk” when it comes to integrating communications benchmarks into the top strategies of his nonprofit.
- Reports:
- Financials:
- Brad’s Treasury report
- Grant that Marylee is working on: BHAP (Basic Homeless Assistance Program) or July 2013 – June 2014: ~ $176,000. + ESG $23,000.
- Currently, general funds will be used to hire a shelter assistant, for the total of approximately $20K a year. We can explore other avenues for funding but the immediate hire was needed.
- Public Information Report:
- Website assistance is available on a limited basis from Jana.
- Patrick is working on getting the monthly donation set up on our website.
- Clear Channel Media has agreed to do another PSA for us and also want an interview for Interior Scope – this is their Sunday morning show.
- A Pocket Resource Guide is being developed to pass out to youth and agencies serving youth.
- Building report
- GVEA has hooked up the power on 10th avenue
- Financials:
- The Art Show that was scheduled for Friends Church 1/25/2013 has been cancelled. We will await further notice.
- New brochures are printed, please take some that Marylee will bring to the meeting.
- Next Meeting: