Roll Call:
Present: Patrick J Endres, Danny Bramer, Barb Tyndall, Brad Johnston,
Dave Miller, Kathryn Birch, Rilene Ann, Meryem
Kugzruk, Marylee Bates, Rodney Gaskins,
Absent: Sarah Finnell
Opening Prayer—Danny Bramer
July Minutes/August minutes—approved unanimously
Marylee introduced our Vista, Sarah. We looked at the Blog she posts daily. She will be with us another year. Dick Irwin, Ameri-Corp member and service project; he will be working with this winter’s homeless youth
Fatbet Equinox relay update and donations—$1500 to date; if everyone pays, it will be $1600; even those who made weight, paid; the cat did not make weight and paid up.
Danny Bramer brought up the topic of aTeen Challenge project that has been proposed by the pastor of Friends Church. It is in the planning stages and needs prayer. They have donated land; good funding; and good hearts. They would like to partner with FYA if possible. This project is based on the Teen Challenge model. Rilene suggested he contact Graf for information and partnership.
By-laws amendment suggestion: “We value the input of youth into our organization and therefore encourage that they participate with us at the board level. Voting requires a board member to be a minimum of 18 years old, although they need not be 18 to be on the board as a youth representative.” Rilene moved to approve this change. Kathryn seconded.
Approved unanimously.
Adopt updated strategic plan and operating goals: Marylee and Brad are working on plans for a budget which will come into effect in January. Brad suggested we review goals and objectives at the same time that we review budget and resources. They will have details in
Need volunteers to be on Director’s Job Evaluation Committee—Rilene volunteered. Brad suggested one board member evaluate the Exec. Director; Danny was appointed to be the person to evaluate and bring the evaluation to the FYA board for input. Dave Miller said their board created a form with a rating of 1-10 that anyone could use.
Rodney suggested programmers and clients also evaluate the ED since their representation in the community is critical to the project. Rilene recalled that we talked about possibly using Survey Monkey to collect data about services. Danny, Rilene, and Dave will get Dave’s evaluation form and rework it for FYA needs.
Information needed by board from Dave Bates—what is our responsibility as a board—what information does he have that we will need? It was suggested that statistics are helpful for getting our message across. Client load and demographics of that clientele is also useful. Financial statements are needed at least quarterly. We ned to interface with Dave by establishing non-patient goals, objectives, and resources. We can’t evaluate him as an clinician. Trend analysis would be helpful once we have a track record. Marylee and Brad will include Dave in the planning for presenting on goals and budget.
Dave’s salary—Cost of living—Marylee stepped out of the room while the board members discussed this. Brad said the only cost of living data available is based on Anchorage. Patrick asked if we need to compare the data from 08 to 12. Brad said it should be part of the budget process for 2013. Some can be retroactive, depending on our funding. He said the starting point is the budgeting process. Brad will get the numbers together for our next meeting.
Winter’s Shelter Update—
First Presbyterian—will provide a place to sleep for ages 13-17 primarily from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.
Recruiting volunteers: Starting with unlicensed—moving toward licensing
Need two full time wake “staff” 7 nights a week, every day of the year
BHAP $: We will apply for previously awarded funds for Director,
Shelter Manager, Family Support Specialist (caseworker);
The State doesn’t want us to do anything except shelter until
we are licensed (could take 3-4 months); this requires
paperwork and information from Marylee
Initial cost:
• Higher liability insurance
• Fingerprinting–$55 per person if they do not have current print
and background check; Should have detailed requirements.
• $6000.00 per AmeriCorps member full time (1700 hours from Jan to Dec) ($1000.00 in Jan-balance by June)
Brad moved that FYA fund this $6000.00 Ameri-Corp position. Dave seconded. Approved unanimously. Dave made a motion that volunteers pay for their own fingerprinting. If they can’t pay, a minimum of 48 hours of work is required if FYA pays for fingerprinting. Patrick seconded the motion. Approved unanimously
• Fulltime to coordinate volunteers and help staff the overnight shelter vs. paying someone a rate per hour plus time and a half each night for manning the shelter.
Waiting for City of Fairbanks for RFP (request for proposal) Jim Loftus will provide thorough foundation study of the building. Power and phone lines have been disconnected and the building is ready for demolition work.
Fundraiser Update—Danny Bramer—Main decision is the venue for February event. During discussion, it was decided that the costs for the event were too high. Dave suggested we postpone for a year until we have a track record and some history in Fairbanks. We have no corporate sponsors.
Rodney suggested we ask businesses to do a fundraiser for us. Brad said maybe we should ask for corporate/personal donors to contribute to help “Open the Door”. The fundraising committee will meet to discuss other options.
Bank Signers—ED, Marylee Bates; President, Patrick Endres; Vice President, Danny Bramer; and Secretary, Barbara Tyndall should be signers. The treasurer, Brad Johnston will not be a signer. Patrick made a motion that the Executive Director, Marylee Bates; President, Patrick Endres; Vice President, Danny Bramer; and Secretary, Barbara Tyndall be the signers for FYA. Dave seconded. Motion approved unanimously.
Next meeting: Monday, October 29,from 5-7
Fundraising meeting Sept. 25, B&N at 5
All other items on the agenda were tabled until the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:05.