pre-meeting agenda
date: 7/31/2012, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
wilson & wilson on minnie street
(Apologies for the formatting, also – I will try to make sure the documents listed are posted by tomorrow morning – am hoping to post them under Shared Docs – on the right)
- MINUTES APPROVAL (Please make sure to review the minutes from the last meeting so we can approve them)
- Google Docs.
Patrick will take a moment to discuss and review navigating the board website and google docs. - Board Gathering
Topics so far:
Constituency Model,
Board training,
Planning: updating 1 year, 3 year, 5 year goals?
February Fundraiser Conversation
Be thinking about anything else that should be included here.
Marylee will be meeting with Mike Walsh to discuss this gathering with him and seek his insight as to things for us to discuss.
- Google Docs.
- Position Descriptions: we need to vote to accept these descriptions. Does anyone have comments or suggestions with these.
- Clinical Director (Dave) See blog
- Executive Director (Marylee) See blog
- Employment Contracts See blog
- Promotion of Fairbanks Youth Advocates:
- 30 Second PSA:
I’m Marylee Bates, director of Fairbanks Youth Advocates. It’s hard to imagine a young homeless person trying to make it on their own: couch surfing for a warm place to stay, trading favors to survive – but it happens in Fairbanks everyday, exposing them to dangerous, unstable living conditions. Fairbanks Youth Advocates was formed to help our most vulnerable find shelter during times of personal crisis. Join us . . .choose to volunteer, donate or pray. Google Fairbanks Youth Advocates to learn more. - Video: Sarah Finnell
- Parenting Tips – radio
- 30 Second PSA:
- Vista Update:
Sarah: Have spoken with the folks at the Revive The Red Tent, a theatre production company. They are willing to produce our monologues (“Street Stories”), but suggested we perform them this summer (Summer 2013). Their reasons made sense – they can then utilize younger actors, perform outside, work with me longer to develop the script – and it fits better with their timeline. RTRT would absorb the costs of the production: they provide advertisement, rehearsal space, performance space, actors, directors, sets, etc. In return, we would agree to allow them to take back what they spend from proceeds from the show (ticket sales). Any extra is ours – they just don’t want to lose money. I have a first draft of the Monologues, and will be meeting with RTRT this month to start planning.I’ve been collecting policies for review. I believe you have a Sexual Harassment/Grievance Policy and a Confidentiality Policy.Meagan’s Report: See BlogMeagan’s last day was Friday, 7/27. I have purchased a Tanana Valley Sweatshirt as a gift from all of us – as she loved doing the markets and made friends with all the vendors. $5.00 from each of us will cover the cost.
- Community Meeting Update – alternative plans for the winter for RHY (Runaway Homeless Youth)
- AmeriCorps Member from JPSOS (Internship for
- Donations for July: $360.00 ($260 from Walk for Charity)
- Borough Property Taxes: Just passing along that indeed we will have to pay Property taxes this year. We will owe $3259.52 and most likely, we will owe that again, or most of it, next year. The good news is that as soon as the shelter is operating as a shelter, we will be exempt from taxes and will not owe property taxes anymore.
- Committee Reports
Volunteer & Events CommitteeFundraising:The fundraising committee met at Barnes and Nobel on Friday, June 29 from 5:00-6:30. Danny, Sarah, Rilene, and Barbara were in attendance.
We agreed that our big, annual fundraiser should be in February and a semi-formal ball format was suggested. Names suggested were “Heart for the Homeless” and “Healing Heart Ball”. We came to the conclusion that Project Runaway should be for another time. So, that project remains on hold at this time. The idea of having some sort of visual display at the fundraiser was agreed upon and Sarah met with a theatre company (Revive the Red Tent) who is interested in putting on monologues in November. They sound very interested in participating, and would absorb the costs of the production (they provide advertisement, rehearsal space, performance space, actors, directors, sets, etc). Their board is voting whether to pursue our monologues. She also made a connection with a film crew for KSUA-TV. They’re happy to film the monologues, as long as KSUA is allowed to use the footage as well. So it looks like we’ll be able to use the Monologues in film format at the fundraiser. AWESOME WORK SARAH!
A jazz band was suggested for the music for the ball. Keeping the ticket price low ($15 single; $20-25 couple) was suggested as a way to get many folks in attendance. Child care should be provided for the same reason. We would work to get most, if not all the food and supplies donated.
A silent auction would be part of this event. Donations need to be solicited in late summer or fall since businesses want to include donations for tax purposes for the year. Getting too close to Thanksgiving and Christmas hinders everyone’s ability to get out and get donations. We also wanted to have tables and displays showing where money donated would go and opportunities to contribute to a wide variety of needs. There would be various contribution levels, as well. Having a visual display which constantly rolled some of these numbers was also suggested. The venue we discussed (Friend’s Church) has audiovisual capabilities to make this happen.
Entertainment for this event (besides a band for dancing or just listening, talking, etc.) could be the monologues mentioned above. We need plenty of time for folks to check the auction and enjoy themselves; but also, opportunities for getting our message out and telling our story. This is a work in progress and we will keep our eyes open for ways to make this a well received and successful event.
Sarah has contacted the Covenant House as they have a similar event every year to get some ideas for our function. She has yet to hear back from them.
Name recognition and PSA’s were discussed at length. We need to begin these right away to prepare for the September Thirst event. Folks need to know who we are and what we are doing in Fairbanks before they will respond to any of these events.
Danny has been in communication with Friends Church and has secured the venue for Friday Feb 8th 2013 (couldn’t use it for Saturday because of Saturday service). He is also in communication with “The Works” catering to begin to figure out menu options and pricing.
Public Information:
Patrick and Marylee met with Steve Neumuth (Neumuth Advertising) and Rodney Gaskins to discuss a PIO plan, which included direction for radio and TV, including 30 second radio spots and a TV infomercial.Sarah Finnell – video update
Building Committee Update
Applicant: Meryem Kugzruk